Brandeis Graduate Professional Studies

Featured Graduate: Gayathri Hariharan

May 20, 2022

Headshot of Gayathri Hariharan

Gayathri Hariharan, Internal Audit Manager, MathWorks

Program: Technology Management MS

Graduation: May 2020

I come from a family with humble roots and simple beginnings in Chennai, India. My parents instilled the importance of education in me at a very young age and raised me to believe that education and formal learning establish the foundation for a successful life. My mother is my greatest inspiration – one of her qualities that continues to amaze me is that she has never stopped learning and exploring. She has always motivated me to pursue higher education.

Brandeis GPS was the institution of choice when I decided to do my Masters in Tech Management. Several of my family members and friends recommended Brandeis either through their privilege of being an alumnus or through their network. Having the opportunity to study at such a prestigious institution was a valuable experience, given the diverse network of students and faculty. I started my program with the objective of learning about the current trends in technology with a focus on cybersecurity and data analytics – the ultimate goal was to improve my career trajectory. The coursework was structured in a way to allow me to manage my personal and professional life while providing an opportunity to excel in the master’s program. I was able to set aggressive goals for myself and keep the momentum throughout the program. The faculty and staff at GPS were extremely helpful in guiding me to select courses that enhanced my capabilities and knowledge base in Technology, Management, and Data Analytics. My peers made the experience even better by contributing great ideas and perspectives every week. I found myself gravitating towards supplemental reading, a habit that I’m glad to have acquired through this master’s program. I found it truly rewarding when I completed my final project for the last coursework – that sense of accomplishment is inexplicable!

While 2020 is a memorable year for the world due to the pandemic, it was a milestone year in my life as I received my master’s degree from Brandeis GPS. The program has been instrumental in helping me redefine my professional career. The orientation provided by the coursework has improved my strategic thinking capabilities and problem-solving techniques. I have seen a profound impact on the way I think, create, and work. I have become the go-to person at work to help strategize and drive complex projects – I now have a seat at the table! As a woman in Tech, an immigrant and a mother of two beautiful children, I find this to be empowering in a day and age where we are breaking stereotypes and stigmas, and the society at large has a heightened awareness of diversity and inclusion.

I can say with confidence that my master’s degree has added a new dimension to my professional life and enhanced my creativity. In a world that is rife with social unrest and injustice, knowledge alone will pave the way for peace and well-being. I wish the best of luck to all those who are sharpening their knowledge at this great institution to shatter the glass ceilings in today’s corporate world!

Gayathri is the Re-Commencement Rabb School student marshal. For more information online master’s degrees available at GPS, please visit our website.