Past Exhibitions

Installation view, Pretty Raw: After and Around Helen Frankenthaler, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, February 11, 2015-June 7, 2015. Charles Mayer Photography.
Chris Burden: The Master Builder
Mika Rottenberg: Bowls Balls Souls Holes
Rose Projects 01A | The Matter that Surrounds Us: Wols and Charline von Heyl
Collection in Focus: The Threshold of Recognition
Rose Video 03 | Maria Lassnig and Mary Reid Kelley
Mark Bradford: Sea Monsters
Rose Projects 1B | 1914: Magnus Plessen
Rose Video 04 | Alex Hubbard
John Altoon
Rose Video 05 | Gillian Wearing
Ed Ruscha: Standard
Sam Jury: Coerced Nature
On the Matter of Abstraction (Figs. A & B) Walead Beshty: Untitled
Light Years: Jack Whitten, 1971-73
Minimal and More: 60s and 70s Sculpture from the Collection
Collection in Focus: Al Loving
Image Machine: Andy Warhol and Photography
Rose Video 01 | Omer Fast: 5000 Feet is the Best
Rose Video 02 | Mark Boulos and Josephine Meckseper
Collecting Stories
Bruce Conner: Eve-Ray‐Forever
Art at the Origin: The Early 1960s
Dor Guez: 100 Steps to the Mediterranean
Regarding Painting
The Rose at Brandeis: Works from the Collection
Hans Hofmann: Circa 1950
Saints and Sinners
Master of Reality
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Numbers, Colors and Text
Environments and Empires
Broken Home: 1997/2007
Arp to Reinhardt: Rose Geometries
Alexis Rockman: The Weight of Air
The New Authentics: Artists of the Post-Jewish Generation
Paper Trail II
Invisible Rays: The Surrealism Legacy
Project for a New American Century
Drawing on Film
Works from the Permanent Collection
Papertrail I
John Armleder: Too Much is Not Enough
Tom Sachs: Logjam
Steve Miller: Spiraling Inward
Videos from Tiger by the Tail! Women Artists of India Transforming Culture
Oliver Herring: On the Cusp
Dana Schutz: Paintings 2002‐2005
Faculty Exhibit
I Love My Time. I Don't Like My Time: Recent Works by Erwin Wurm
Sarah Walker: Paintings
Balance and Power: Performance and Surveillance in Video Art
Clare Rojas: Hope Spring is Eternal
Dreaming Now
Anri Sala: Dammi i Colori
Xavier Veilhan: The Hyperrealist Project
Double Take: Photorealism from the 1960s and 1970s
Fred Tomaselli: Monsters of Paradise
"Post" and After: Contemporary Art from the Brandeis University Art Collection
Alvin Lucier: Chambers
Domestic Archeology: Boston and Beyond
Surasi Kusolwong
In the Spotlight: Recent Acquisitions
Barry McGee
Robin Rhode: The Animators
Francesco Clemente: Tandoori Satori and commonplace 2004
Yun-Fei Ji: The Empty City
William Kentridge: Tide Table
Coexistence: Contemporary Cultural Production in South Africa
Abstract Expressionism: The Brandeis University Collection
George Bellows Lithographs
Roxy Paine: Second Nature
Fictions: New Narratives in Contemporary Photography and Video
Skin to Bones: Paintings Since 1970
A Defining Generation: Then and Now, 1961 and 2001
Stephen Antonakos: Time Boxes 2000, with Richard Artschwager
Jonathan Lasker: Selective Identity, Paintings from the 1990s
Lasker Curates Selections from the Brandeis University Art Collections
A Quiet Revolution
Sarah Charlesworth: A Retrospective
Bruce Pearson: A New Visual Language
Alchemies of the Sixties
David Reed: Paintings, Motion Pictures
Contemporary Abstract Painting
Silent Passages
Louis Foster Exhibition of Boston Area Artists
Meryl Brater: A Memorial
Joseph Marioni
Joshua Neustein: Polish Forests, Magnetic Fields, Carbon Copies
Robert Smithson: Slideworks
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Merrill Wagner: Works for Walls, Floors & Fields
Barnet Rubenstein: A Retrospective
Jonathan Borofsky: The G‐d Project
Annee Spileos Scott: Manliness is Close to Godliness
"Subject(s): A Collective Portrait" Selections from the Permanent Collection
Robert Farber: A Retrospective
Women’s Caucus for Art
More than Minimal: Feminism & Abstraction in the '70s
Part One of the Permanent Collection: Color Fields to New Abstraction Boston Area Artists: Part I
Boston Area Artists: Part II
The Dividing Line: Collaborative Landscape Photography by Virginia Beahan & Laura McPhee
Judy Pfaff: Elephant
The Herbert W. Plimpton Collection of Realist Art
Holocaust Project: From Darkness into Light Judy Chicago with Photography by Donald Woodman
Seeing and Believing
Joan Snyder Painter, 1959 to Now
Hardly Academic: Recent Works by Studio Faculty, Brandeis
African American Perspectives
Prefab: Reconsidering the Legacy of the 60s
Manny Farber
Robert Richenburg: Abstract Expressionist
Howardena Pindell: A Retrospective 1972‐1992
Ely Bielutin & the New Russian Avant Garde
David Akiba
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Kiki Smith: Unfolding the Body
Jackie Ferrara Sculpture: A Retrospective
The Contemporary Drawing: Existence, Passage, Dream
Robert Hudson: Sculpture/ William T. Wiley: Paintings
Insight on Sight: Environments by Andrew & Geoffrey Bensen, Ellen Driscoll, Lillian Hsu-Flanders
Sonata & Permanent Collection
Selections from the Permanent Collection (The Hand that Rocks the Cradle)
The Image of Abstract Painting in the '80s
Judy Kensley McKie & Todd McKie: 13th Annual Patrons & Friends Exhibition
Body Language: The Figure in the Art of Our Time
Painting Before Metaphor & Matter
Art & the Law
Restive Visions
Dorothea Rockburne
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Allusion Dimension
Tangible Choices: Five Sculptors at Work
Michelle Stuart ‐ Silent Gardens: The American Landscape
Jack Berthot: Paintings 1969‐88
Friedel Dzubus: Selected Paintings from Four Decades
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Jack Bush on Paper
Two Brandeis Painters
Expressive Systems/Eloquent Voices
Ten at the Rose
Selections form the Permanent Collection
Jene Highstein
Lester Johnson: Selected Paintings 1970‐1987
The Joseph Masheck Collection of Contemporary Art
Wilderness: A Video Installation by Mary Lucier
Sculptural Objects & Installations
Stephen Antonakos
Contemporary New England Artists: Selections from the Permanent Collection
25th Annual Exhibition: Selected 20th Century Paintings
Collected Visions: 12 Contemporary Photographers
Boston Printmakers 37th National Exhibition
Ardent Gestures
Katherine Porter: Paintings 1969‐1984
A New England Realists & Minimalist Painters: A Decade in Quotes
SE: Collages by Irwin Kremen the Re’eh Series
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Eva Hesse: Early Drawings & Selected Sculpture
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Jennifer Bartlett: Variations on Two Themes from Nature
Worlds Apart: Eight Sculptors
William Beckman & Gregory Gillespie
Selections from the Permanent Collection
The Color of Time: Video Sculpture by Nam June Paik
Early Moderns, Contemporary Art & 20th Century Photography
Featuring New Acquisitions
Six From Around Town: Painters from Boston
Charles Garabedian: Twenty Years of Work
Lila Katzen: Recent Sculpture
Gold & Silversmithing: Bazalel Academy of Art & Design
Permanent Collection: Featuring New Acquisitions
Designs for a New Campus: Almost Brandeis
Art in Craft Media: The Haystack Tradition
Out of the Woods: Six Boston Sculptors
Matta: The First Decade
Art of the State
Herbert W. Plimpton Collection of Realist Art
Ed Rothfarb Sitework: Istra
Four Brandeis Department of Fine Arts Faculty Members
Paul Georges/ Irving Kriesber/ Kelly Wise
Restless Natives
Frankenthaler: the 1950s
Edward Mayer: A Sculptural Installation
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Ancient American Art in Aesthetic View
Rocks, Trees, Clouds & Water: The Art of Hugnhsien
Jewish Ceremonial Objects
Mel Ramos: A Twenty Year Survey
Aspects of the 70’s: Mavericks
Henry Botkin: Collages
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Works from the A.R.T.: Offset Lithographers
Drawings from the Permanent Collection
David Aronson: A Retrospective
The Gregorian Collection of Antique Oriental Rugs
Tibetan Buddhist Art from the Horch Collection
Frank Stella: Metallic Reliefs
Art of the State
Don Nice: Beasts & Demons & Peaceable Kingdoms
John Walker Paintings
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Three Dimensional Possibilities: Seven Artists
Permanent Collection
Records of an Experience: Abraham Walkowitz
Works by Max Weber
James Weeks
Alex Katz in the 70’s
Modern & Contemporary Masters from the Permanent Collection
Fresh Images: Six New England Artists
Naftali Bezem
Turn of the Century Posters
Recent Accessions
Majestic Inspirations, Incomparable Souvenirs
From Women’s Eyes
Art of the State
Contemporary Masters
Locations Sculpture Installations
Jewish Arts Festival
Two Hundred Years of American Synagogue Architecture
Mitchell Siporin: A Retrospective
Action & Reaction: Contemporary Trends in Painting & Sculpture
Stepping Out: Five Bostonians
Three California Painters
Jewish Arts Festival
Selections from the Teresa Jackson Weill Collection
The Image of the Jew in America: A Bicentennial Exhibition
Lee Krasner: Collages & Works on Paper
Selections from the Permanent Collection: American Indian Art Five from Soto
Selections from the Permanent Collection: Rembrandt’s Etchings
The Shtetl
Nicolas Roerich
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Tibetan Art
Vasily Kandinsky
A Generation of Brandeis Artists
Flora Natapoff: Drawings & Collages
Paul Brown: Recent Work
Paintings & Drawings from the Permanent Collection
New Acquisitions
David Sharir
Mercedes Matter Drawings
Robert Birmelin
Ellen Banks
R.A.M. 25 Years of Collecting
Andrew Tavarelli: Recent Paintings
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Tibetan Art
Boston Printmakers: 24th Annual Exhibit
The Currier Gallery: An Exchange Exhibit
Brandeis Under Construction
Selections from the Permanent Collection
English Portraits from New England Collectors
Rose Ceramic Collection
Earl Powell: Recent Paintings
Selections from the Permanent Collection
In Pursuit of Antiquity
Structural Surfaces: Sculpture by Robert Guillemin
Paintings from the Permanent Collection
One Hundred Recent Prints
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Contemporary Paintings from the Riverside Museum Collection
Romantic Abstraction in Boston
Square & Movement ‐ Visual Construction: Toshihiro Katayama
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Study Exhibition of Twentieth Century Art from the Brandeis University Art Collection
Julio Gonzalez
Vision & Television
New Acquisition Exhibition
The Art of Henry O’Tanner
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Look Back: An Exhibit of Cubist Art from the de Menil Family Collection
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Frank Stella
Two Boston Sculptors: Curtis Crystal & Michael Phillips
12 Black Artists from Boston
British Artists: 6 Painters & 6 Sculptors
James Rosati: Sculpture 1963‐69
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Jackson Pollock: Works on Paper
Image and Theater: The Photography of Max Waldman
Before Cortez: The Art of Ancient Mexico
Selections from the Collection
10 Black Artists from Boston
Sculpture from Black Africa
Carl Zahn: Graphic Designer
Drawings & Graphics from Brandeis University
Gaston Lachaise: Sculpture and Drawings
IX Bienal de Sao Paulo Environment U.S.A. 1957‐1967
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Leon Polk Smith
Howard Bay Designs for the Performing Arts
Joseph Cornell
László Moholy-Nagy: A Prophetic Vision
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Adolph Gottlieb
David von Schlegell
Italian Architectural Drawings form the Royal Institute of British Architects
Art of the Late Antique
Prints by Michael Mazur
12 Photographers of the American Social Landscape
RISD/Brandeis Exchange Exhibition
Jules Pascin
Louise Nevelson
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Synchronism and Related American Painting
Drawings of Bridget Riley
Conrad Marca-Relli
Theodoros Stamos
Landscape Drawings of Israel by Anna Ticho
Japanese Prints and Book Illustrations from the Permanent Collection
Mask and Eye: The Graphic Work of James Ensor and Odilon Redon
Washington Color Painters
Philip Guston: A Selective Prospective Exhibition
17th Century Painting from the Low Countries
Rene Magritte
Commencement Exhibition: Selections from the Permanent Collection
Joseph Albers: The American Years
Watercolors, Drawings & Prints from the Museum Collection
For the Young Collector
Gislebertus Hoc Fecti
Jack Tworkov
Larry Rivers: Retrospective
Art Israel Today
Not Seen and/or Less Seen of/by Marcel Duchamp/Prose Selavy
Bruce Conner
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Baziotes Memorial Exhibition
Selections from the Permanent Collection
For the Young Collector
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Hans Hoffman
Charles H. Currier: Boston Photographer
A University Collects: Notre Dame Sobriety & Elegance in the Baroque
Recent American Drawings
Recent American Synagogue Architecture
Recent Acquisitions
Boston Collects Modern Art
The Painter & The Photograph
Alexei Jawlensky
Two Urbanists: The Engineering-Architecture of R. Buchminster Fuller and Paolo Soleri
Franz Kline Memorial Exhibition
James Brooks
Recent Acquisitions: The Gevirtz-Mnuchin Collection and Related Gifts
Major Masters of the Renaissance
Honore Daumier
American Modernism: The First Wave/ Paintings from 1903–1933
Six Painters & the Object
Dedication of the New Rose Art Museum
The Rose Collection of Early Ceramics
A Century of Modern European Paintings
Ancient Gods & Monarchs
European Paintings Today
Cubist Sculptures
Paintings by Two Americans
Modern French Painting