Academic Accommodations
Student Accessibility Support (SAS) provides a range of supports to undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities.
Academic accommodations include, but are not limited to:
- Classroom accommodations
- Testing accommodations
- Physical accommodations
- Alt-format materials
- Language requirement substitutions
Learn more about non-academic accommodations, including housing accommodations, medical dietary accommodations and parking and accessible transportation service.
Information for Undergraduate Students
Requesting Accommodations
To request accommodations, please follow these steps:
- Contact SAS: Email to start the process of seeking academic accommodations. Please let us know if you have any questions about documentation. We will respond to your questions and provide links to Accessibility Specialist booking calendars so that you can schedule a meeting.
- Meet with an Accessibility Specialist: During your meeting with an Accessibility Specialist, they will discuss possible accommodations as part of an interactive process. Accommodations are based on two considerations: the specific nature of the student's condition and the educational environment in which the student will be learning. Each student's accommodation requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. SAS customizes accommodations that are necessary to ensure each individual student's access to courses.
- Submit sufficient documentation of a condition that qualifies as a disability under the ADA*: One of the important steps in receiving accommodations at Brandeis is to submit documentation of your condition. For more information on what kind of documentation we are looking for and how to submit documentation, please check out our Providing Documentation webpage. When you are ready to submit, email and ask for the secure documentation link to upload your information. Please do not submit medical documentation via email. *If a student needs help with obtaining documentation, SAS can review supports and provide referrals while putting provisional accommodations in place.
Letters of Academic Accommodation
After the meeting with an Accessibility Specialist, SAS will prepare a digital accommodation letter for you to send each instructor, and will help coordinate other supports as necessary. Sending these letters to instructors serves as the official notification to faculty of their need to provide accommodations. Letters also help facilitate communication and serve as a starting point for an ongoing conversation between students and faculty members.
A student requests their letter of academic accommodation at the beginning of each semester. We encourage students to present their academic accommodation letters to faculty early in the semester. Students are encouraged to email their accommodation letters once received.