School of Arts and Sciences

Undergraduate Advising Heads and Language Directors

Undergraduate Advising Heads (UAH) and Language Directors (LD) are faculty advisors within the various majors and minors. These faculty are a wonderful resource as you are exploring different majors and minors and they can help you better understand how the curriculum of a particular major is structured and what you would need to do to major in that field.

You will ultimately meet with the appropriate UAH to officially declare your major. Download the request form (pdf) for more information on declaring a major or minor.

Undergraduate Advising Head Dept./Program Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Major Declaration Instructions
African and African American Studies Prof. Ola Yacob-Haliso Steps to Declare a Major
American Studies Prof. Maura Farrelly Steps to Declare a Major
Anthropology Prof. Brian Horton How to Declare an Anthropology Major
Architectural Studies (Minor) Prof. Muna Guvenc Ospina Leon  Steps to Declare a Major
Art History

Prof. Peter Kalb

Steps to Declare a Major
Asian American Pacific Islander Studies

Prof. Yuri Doolan

Steps to Declare a Major
Biochemistry Prof. Timothy Street Steps to Declare a Major

Prof. Rachel Woodruff

How to Declare a Biology Major
Biological Physics

Prof. Guillaume Duclos (Fall 2024)

Prof. Ben Rogers (Spring 2025)

How to Declare a Biological Physics Major
Business Prof. Hagit Weihs How to Apply to be a Business Major

Prof. Stephanie Murray

Prof. Jo-Ann Jee is responsible for Chemistry minors.

How to Declare a Chemistry Major
Classical and Early Mediterranean Studies Prof. Eoin O'Donoghue Steps to Declare a Major
Comparative Literature and Culture

Prof. Pu Wang

How to Declare a Comparative Literature Major
Computer Science Prof. Antonella Di Lillo How to Declare a Computer Science Major
Creative Writing

Prof. Stephen McCauley

Prof. Elizabeth Bradfield

How to Declare a Creative Writing Major
Creativity, the Arts and Social Transformation Prof. Tom King Steps to Declare a Major
East Asian Studies Prof. Matthew Fraleigh How to Declare an East Asian Studies Major


Prof. Ashley Miller (Fall 2024)

Prof. Mahsa Akbari (Spring 2025)

How to Declare an Economics Major

Questions? Email

Education Program

Prof. Ziva Hassenfeld (Fall 2024)

Prof. Rachel Theodorou (Spring 2025)

How to Declare an Education Major
English Prof. William Flesch How to Declare an English Major
Environmental Studies Prof. Sally Warner How to Declare an Environmental Studies Major
European Cultural Studies Prof. Stephen Dowden Steps to Declare a Major
Film, Television and Interactive Media Prof. Paul Morrison How to Declare a Film, Television and Interactive Media Major
French and Francophone Studies

Prof. Sophia Niehaus

How to Declare a French and Francophone Studies Major
German Studies

Prof. Sabine von Mering 

Steps to Declare a Major
Health: Science, Society and Policy (HSSP) Prof. Sarah Curi How to Declare (or Change) Your HSSP Major or Minor
Hebrew Prof. Sara Hascal Steps to Declare a Major
Hispanic Studies

Prof. Fernando Rosenberg

How to Declare a Hispanic Studies Major
History Prof. William Kapelle How to Declare a History Major
History of Ideas Prof. David Katz Steps to Declare a Major
Independent Interdisciplinary Program Kate Colahan (Academic Services) How to Declare an Independent Interdisciplinary Major
International and Global Studies

Prof. Avinash Singh

How to Declare an International Global Studies Major
Italian Studies

Prof. Paola Servino

Steps to Declare a Major
Journalism Prof. Neil Swidey Steps to Declare a Major
Latin American and Latino Studies Prof. Javier Urcid Steps to Declare a Major
Legal Studies

Prof. Daniel Breen

Steps to Declare a Major
Linguistics Prof. Keith Plaster Steps to Declare a Major
Mathematics Prof. Dmitry Kleinbock Steps to Declare a Major
Medieval and Renaissance Studies Prof. Dorothy Kim Steps to Declare a Major
Music Prof. Rob Duff Steps to Declare a Major
Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Prof. Ilana Szobel How to Declare a Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Major

Prof. Hannah Snyder

How to Declare a Neuroscience Major
Peace, Conflict and Coexistence Studies Prof. Melissa Stimell Steps to Declare a Major
Philosophy Prof. Eli Hirsch How to Declare a Philosophy Major
Physics Prof. Peter Mistark How to Declare a Physics Major
Politics Prof. Zachary Albert How to Declare a Politics Major
Psychology Prof. Ellen Wright How to Declare a Psychology Major
Religious Studies Prof. Kristen Lucken Steps to Declare a Major
Russian Studies

Prof. David Powelstock

Prof. Irina Dubinina

How to Declare a Russian Studies Major
Social Justice and Social Policy Prof. Melissa Stimell Steps to Declare a Major
Sociology Prof. Siri Suh How to Declare a Sociology Major
South Asian Studies

Prof. Brian Horton

Steps to Declare a Major
Studio Art Prof. Sheida Soleimani How to Declare a Studio Art Major
Theater Arts

Prof. Jen Cleary

How to Declare a Theatre Arts Major
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Prof. Yuri Doolan How to Declare a Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Major
Yiddish Prof. Ellen Kellman Steps to Declare a Minor