

A multi-disciplinary research center that incorporates the latest concepts, theories, and techniques of social science in the study of contemporary Jewish life. Among their research areas is antisemitism and campus life.

See their August 2024 study, Antisemitism on Campus: Understanding Hostility to Jews and Israel

September 1, 2024

A report to the Jim Joseph Foundation by Eitan Hersh, PhD, Tufts University and Dahlia Lyss
Other Research by Eitan Hersh, Tufts University and Laura Royden, Harvard University

ADL Center for Antisemitism Research advances the global field of antisemitism research, seeking answers to the questions foundational to understanding, preventing and reducing antisemitism.

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Of Current Note

August 15, 2024

"The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement: What College Trustees Need to Know" by ACTA (American Council fo Trustees and Alumni)

August 15, 2024

Op-ed by Yuval Levin, Senior Fellow, the American Enterprise Institute

August 13, 2024

"A Trustee Guide to Preventing Encampments and Occupations on Campus" by ACTA (American Council fo Trustees and Alumni)

April 26, 2024

Blog post in The Lamp by Stanley Fish, presidential scholar in residence at New College, Florida.

February 15, 2024

Article in The Atlantic by Dara Horn, PhD, novelist and author of the essay collection, "People Love Dead Jews".

December 12, 2023

Opinion piece in The Times of Israel by Mark Rotenberg, vice president for university initiatives and general counsel at Hillel International, where he oversees Hillel's Campus Climate Initiative.

November 27, 2023

The First Amendment does not give carte blanche to intimidation and harassment, writes Ilya Shapiro, director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute, in The Free Press.

November 15, 2023

Lawrence H. Summers', professor at and past president of Harvard University, opinion piece in The Washington Post (online access by subscription).

November 15, 2023

United States Congressional Testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee by Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president for research, Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

November 3, 2023

Meghna Chakrabarti interviews guests Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Julia Steinberg, junior at Stanford University, and Simon Sebag Montefiore, British historian for WBUR's On Point.

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Other Organizations Addressing Antisemitism in US Higher Education

Academic Engagement Network, an independently run non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. which mobilizes networks of university faculty and administrators to counter antisemitism.

ADL was founded in 1913 to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.

American Jewish Committee

American Jewish Committee (AJC), Academic Affairs will expand the leading global Jewish advocacy organization’s engagement with university administrators regarding the conditions for Jewish students. See AJC's interactive Translate Hate glossary for explanations of prevalent antisemitic tropes, words, and symbols.

Louis D. Brandeis Center, Inc., an independent, non-partisan institution for public interest advocacy, research and education. The Center’s mission is to advance the civil and human rights of the Jewish people and to promote justice for all. Many resources, including white papers and best practices, for higher education professionals can be found on their website.

Hillel International’s Campus Climate Initiative (CCI) collaborates with higher education administrators to ensure a positive campus climate in which Jewish students feel comfortable expressing their identity and values, free of antisemitism, harassment, or marginalization.

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Partner Organizations in the Jewish Community

Facing History and Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.

Foundation to Combat Antisemitism aims to win the hearts and minds of non-Jews and Jews through powerful positive messaging and partnerships, motivating and equipping them to be defenders of and upstanders for Jews.

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Government, Law & Title VI

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Other Resources

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