P-Card Training Materials
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How to Activate Your P-Card
Call the phone number on the sticker of your P-Card. Wells Fargo will ask you for your Unique Identification number. Your Unique Identification number is the last 4 digits of your Employee Id number. That number can be found on your payslip, viewable in Workday.
Reimbursement of Personal Charge(s) on P-Card
Brandeis P-Cards are corporate liability and therefore personal transactions are not permitted.
If a personal charge is made mistakenly on your Brandeis P-Card please follow the following procedures:
- Send a check to Procurement Services at MS 110 for the amount of the transaction(s). In the memo line of the Check please indicate the Expense Report # that the transaction is on.
It is helpful if you include a note that the check is to reimburse a personal/mistaken charge so we are aware of the reimbursement. - Once the transaction(s) Posts in to your MarketPlace+/Coupa Expense report, indicate in the Business Purpose section that the charge was mistaken/personal in nature. In the Account/billing section, select the magnifying glass and then your UNET, Department Chartstring, and use the spend category: Unallocated P-Card Charges.
- Transactions must still post, please submit through for approval and the check deposit will offset the original charge.
Procurement Services will handle the deposit through the cashier office.
For questions contact Procurement Services.
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