National Initiative on Gender, Culture and Leadership in Medicine: C-Change

C-Change Mentoring & Leadership Institute for Mid-Career Faculty

The 2024 C-Change Mentoring & Leadership Institute will begin in October 2024.


Mentoring and career planning for mid-career faculty and those in leadership roles is often overlooked. The majority of faculty at U.S. medical schools report mentoring to be infrequent or inadequate. To address this need, while avoiding some of the well-documented issues with traditional one-to-one mentoring, our registrants will be deeply immersed in a facilitated group peer mentoring process, which has proven in our hands to be highly and reliably effective. The Institute will energize faculty for success in their professional careers and be of value for those already in leadership roles, as well as those considering such responsibilities.

As C-Change Fellows, participants will work closely with a group of peers from different academic institutions. The yearlong course will convene in person for four two-day quarterly intensive and enjoyable meetings in rural coastal Rhode Island.

Eligibility of Participants

  • Mid-career and senior faculty in academic medicine desiring to advance their careers and enhance their leadership roles
  • MD, PhD or equivalent advanced degree

Physicians and scientists from all departments in academic health centers are welcome to apply. We encourage the participation of colleagues from the same institution or department. Participation will be limited to no more than 18 faculty. To be selected for admission to the Institute fellowship, applicants must commit to attend all four sessions.

C-Change Mentoring & Leadership Institute Dates

October 24-25, 2024

January 16-17, 2025

April 3-4, 2025

June 5-6, 2025

Institute Objectives

Participating faculty will:

  • Collaborate in a yearlong group peer mentoring experience for career development that is closely aligned with personal core values.
  • Experience a lively, inclusive and trustworthy culture of learning, creativity and scholarship
  • Receive guidance for career fulfillment and advancement.
  • Construct a personalized individual academic development plan to successfully achieve career and personal goals.
  • Develop skills in leadership, team-building, collaboration, mindfulness, meaningful dialogue, fostering diversity and inclusion, and other skills crucial for those seeking a greater leadership role in research, education or health services.
  • Develop skills for mentoring others.


“This program is so empowering and not just in theory but in practice as well — I have the tools to go forward.”

Past Participant