Center for German and European Studies

Andy Gheorghiu: Why does Climate Champion Germany Invest in Climate Hostile Fossil Gas?

Monday, June 22, 2020
12-1:30 p.m. Eastern Time (US)
Zoom Webinar

CGES Online Recordings

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About the Event

A long, long time ago, in a country known for its green forests, old traditions and also large-scale industry, a miracle was about to happen. A real and much-needed clean energy transition by an industrialized — and very influential — European country was on the way to the so-called "Energiewende."

However, the transition was simply too successful. The mighty fossil fuel lobby saw that a move away from their dirty business model to a decentralized climate-friendly energy system based on renewables and energy efficiency (perhaps coupled with a changed economic model) was about to transform the old power patterns.

Germany is already the biggest gas consumer and dealer in Europe and the fossil fuel industry tries to take advantage of the announced coal-phase out to expand this already mature market. Right at a time when we need true climate champions Germany is investing in or supporting new unneeded gas infrastructure — causing geopolitical tensions and torpedoing the efforts to move away from fossil fuels.

About the Speaker

gheorghiu.jpgAndy Gheorghiu, freelance anti-gas campaigner and policy advisor, gives us an overview over the current developments of "gassy Germany." A former public servant, Andy Gheorghiu became involved in the anti-fracking movement when an international oil and gas company requested a permission license for shale gas development in North-Hesse, Germany, where he lives.

He works as a full-time freelance campaigner, consultant, and activist for climate and environmental protection. He contributed as a researcher and co-author to the Friends of the Earth reports "Fracking Frenzy" and "Fracking business (as usual)," as well as the official proceedings of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Session on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change.