
Hotels and Housing

Recommended Hotels

A special courtesy rate has been extended for Brandeis guests and families during Commencement weekend. This rate is available online, first-come first-served.

70 Third Avenue
Waltham, Massachusetts 02451
Room block available May 18-20, 2024

Book online

Other Area Hotels

In addition to the hotels listed above, there are a number of hotels that are conveniently located to Brandeis.


On-Campus Commencement Housing

There is limited availability for on-campus housing for Commencement Weekend. Please be advised that rooms are as is and require all linen, towels, and amenities for a stay. For guests and family members connected to a student participating in Commencement, you are permitted to request accommodations on campus. Submit a request for on-campus commencement housing, view rates, and pay for your stay.

On-Campus Commencement Housing Form