Sample Proposals

PAX is usually faced with more outstanding applications than it can fund. Through the Ari Hahn Peace Awards, the program will be able to select more applicants, and offer larger grants consonant with the projects offered.

Here are examples of some of the proposals granted this year for peace awards:

  • Creation of a Turkish/Armenian dialogue group at Brandeis, to bring together students from those communities when they are in the U.S. and give them a chance to discuss the sensitive issues of Turkish/Armenian relations in a safe, academic environment.

  • Conducting leadership building workshops, open to all community members at Brandeis. It is designed to equip participants with skills for resolving conflict and setting up conflict resolution institutions in their various countries, if they are international students.

  • Creation of a primer for college students hoping to do good abroad in internships, study programs, or on their own.

  • Investigating creative methods and approaches of students active in a national organization working to alleviate and raise awareness about the crisis in Darfur.

  • Investigation of corporate practices that might be amenable to change in developing regions of the world where child soldiers and ex-child soldiers create huge problems in their societies.

  • Volunteer work with the Center for World Solidarity in Orissa, India, which works to further the cause of sustainable development and for the rights and empowerment of women and minorities in India. The volunteer was there to teach English and sexual health practices to rural women in Orissa state and learn about and contribute to sustainable development projects there.