Frieze Family Foundation Summer Institutes

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The Summer Institute on Countering Antisemitism in Higher Education

June 3-7, 2024

The Brandeis University Summer Institute on Countering Antisemitism in Higher Education, a pilot program of the newly formed Brandeis University Presidential Initiative to Counter Antisemitism in Higher Education, aims to raise awareness and provide academic and student affairs administrators with a toolbox of practices and actions to effectively confront antisemitism on their campuses.

Join us to engage with academic, legal, and Jewish communal experts to learn about the history of antisemitism, the varied and nuanced ways in which antisemitism affects higher education, and how research data can inform campus interventions and policies. We will also explore anti-Zionism and its relationship to contemporary antisemitism, developing skills to navigate engaging with Israel in a time of crisis.

Upon return to your home campus, you will be expected to implement a project or initiative, developed and workshopped during the Institute, to create meaningful change in your campus community.

Designed especially for US higher education leaders and administrators working in departments such as: academic affairs, DEI and legal affairs, communications, development, president, provost, and deans' offices, et. al.