Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Appendix I: Rabb School of Continuing Studies

Nov. 10, 2020

At the Rabb School of Continuing Studies, we take the issue of systemic racism very seriously. We have begun working on an action plan that we hope will promote conversation, introspection, and suggestions for positive change. Staff members were asked to contribute suggestions for readings, videos, and other documents. The compiled suggestions cover a wide variety of race-related issues, including health disparities, climate justice, Indigenous Peoples, intersectionality, global health, and more.  Staff members have been encouraged to add to this list, and read as many articles as their time allows.

We have requested that all of us take time to view the TED Talk, “How Racism Makes us Sick” in advance of our All-Rabb staff meeting scheduled for August 27.  At this meeting we will discuss and assess our reactions gleaned from watching this TED Talk.  We will also ask for additional insights gained from other readings.  Our goal in the initial all-staff meeting is to come to a common understanding of systemic racism, and to start the process of developing action items.

We have asked for staff to contribute their thoughts about how we can reduce systemic racism within Rabb and at Brandeis. The following is a summary: