Supporting the University's English Language Learners

English Language Programs serves both native and non-native speakers of English and offers language services to all students, staff, and faculty at Brandeis.

We offer individual tutorial sessions in written and oral skills to both undergraduate and graduate students in the arts and sciences; workshops and drop-in tutorials for GSAS students; onsite and online office hours to Heller School for Social Policy and Management students; and workshops, tutorials and consultations to Brandeis International Business School students. We also offer tutorials to postdocs, visiting scholars, staff and faculty. These services are designed to develop oral communication, analytical writing and critical thinking skills.

ELP Services for Fall 2024

ELP services will be available both online and in person for Fall 2024. ELP staff and peer tutors are trained to help students develop their critical thinking, analytical writing, and academic oral communication skills. It is very important that international and domestic students take advantage of ELP tutorial services. 

Seize every opportunity to develop your writing and communication skills with ELP! For more information about ELP writing tutorials or to request ELP oral communication tutorials, email Vinodini Murugesan, Executive Director of ELP.

Watch Our Welcome Video

Student Spotlight

hangyu du, sitting in front of computer that displays lines of code
Hangyu Du '21 Helps Shed Light on How COVID-19 Spreads

If (there is) a new wave of a new virus, not necessarily coronavirus, our model can start analyzing and predicting its interactions and infections,” says Hangyu Du ’21, of Beijing.

Du and Feng Chen ’21, of Nanjing, China, are research assistants in the lab of Hongfu Liu, assistant professor of computer science, and Qingtian Mei ’21, of Guangdong, China, is a research assistant in the lab of Pengyu Hong, professor of computer science. 

The students are contributing to a Brandeis research effort that is using machine learning to map COVID-19’s genetic code.

Read more about Hangyu on Brandeis Now