Department of Fine Arts

Studio Art Stretcher Bar Loan Program

The studio art department will maintain a limited collection of pre-built bars for mounting and stretching canvas. These bars will be available for use by students enrolled in advanced courses (see list of courses below) via a temporary loan. At the end of a loan students will be responsible for removing their work from the stretchers, removing all staples, and returning the bars to the department.
Loan Terms
  • Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in the following courses/programs may request use of department stretcher bars (in order of priority)
    • FA14a/b Intermediate Painting
    • FA110a/b Senior Studio
    • FA98 Independent Study AND are a major/minor
    • FA210a/b Post Baccalaureate Studio
  • Bars may be loaned for the duration of the semester and are due by the end of the last day of instruction (last day of scheduled classes).
  • Students will remove all canvas and staples from the loaned bars before returning them.
  • Students are responsible for taking the unstretched work with them or complete the steps required to store the work per the Art Storage Policy. Work must be unstretched for storage unless it is being held for an upcoming department exhibition (see below).
  • Work on department bars that is to be included in an on campus exhibition that installs no more than 1 semester beyond the original loan terms (example: loaned in fall23, exhibited spring24) will have their loan extended through the end of the scheduled exhibition. The bars must be returned by 1 week after the show is deinstalled.
  • Each Student may check out no more than 1 stretcher at any given time. Students in FA14a/b Intermediate Painting may check out 1 additional stretcher (total of 2).
  • To request a stretcher bar loan, please complete the Stretcher Bar Loan Request Form. The technician will respond with the exact size of the bars available and schedule a pick-up time.
  • 2 weeks before the semester end a reminder email will be sent to schedule a return time/date.
  • A follow up email will be sent 1 week later if no reply is received.
  • If no response is received after 1 additional week, the bars will be considered abandoned and reclaimed. Work will be unstretched from the bars and given to the faculty teaching the associated course. For information about reclaimed/abandoned work, please contact the faculty member directly.
Loan Return