Gender and Sexuality Center

Student Employment

Hiring Opportunities

The Gender and Sexuality Center has a number of student worker positions. Check out the student job board in Workday to see if the Gender and Sexuality Center is currently hiring. 

The Pride Rep Undergraduate Student Employment Program

The Gender and Sexuality Center employees a number of undergraduate student workers as Pride Reps. The Pride Reps function as the GSC's team of peer educators whose purpose is to educate students on LGBTQIA2S+ identities and topics. If you would like to collaborate the GSC's Pride Reps, you can contact us at

Peer Education

Our team of peer educators work to develop student-led workshops on a variety of topics including identity exploration, allyship, navigating difficult conversations, and developing leadership skills. All of the GSC's workshops are constructed through a feminist and critically queer lens. Pride Reps routinely contact student groups on campus to offer their portfolio and periodically host drop in workshops in the GSC. 

Other Responsibilities

In addition to serving as peer educators, Pride Reps also assist the Director with the GSC's signature events, creating social media content, and host office hours in the GSC. All of the Pride Reps are able to meet with students to answer general questions about the GSC, LGBTQIA2S+ topics, and can connect students to many of the supportive resources on campus.  

Graduate Assistants

Some years the Gender and Sexuality Center is able to hire Graduate Assistants (GAs). GAs are an important aspect of the GSC's staffing and are responsible for a number of critical functions in the Center.

Gender and Sexuality Center Graduate Assistants:

  • Work approximately 10 hours per week
  • Co-supervise Pride Reps
  • Plan professional development opportunities for GSC staff
  • Assist in the training of Pride Reps
  • Hold office hours and meet with students
  • Assist in collecting and analyzing data from the implementation of GSC programs