Global Brandeis

I Am Global Week

Allie standing in front of the Bulgaria table at the Global Bazaar
A group of Global Fellows standing at the food table
Global fellows standing in front of a green screen showing Japan
A group of Global Fellows in front of the I Am Global Week table

I Am Global Week (IAGW) at Brandeis is a week-long, campus-wide celebration that takes place every November. IAGW highlights global efforts and achievements across campus, promotes integration between domestic and international students and scholars, and showcases our global community. Events are hosted by student groups, campus partners, the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO), and Brandeis faculty. It is celebrated during the U.S. Department of State, and U.S. Department of Education-sponsored International Education Week (IEW).

Brandeis coordinates a diverse selection of events during IAGW. The Global Bazaar is a signature event where students are invited to host tables and represent their culture, club, or country in a creative and interactive way. This could include sharing food, traditional dress, arts and crafts, music, games, etc. For an overview of past IAGW events see the calendar of events below.

If you have any questions about getting involved in IAGW, please contact Adrea Papadopoulos at

Global Fellows

During IAGW the ISSO works closely with students who serve as Global Fellows. Global Fellows are engaged international and domestic student leaders who view Brandeis University as a global campus. They are enthusiastic about promoting international education, the integration of international and domestic students, and awareness of cultural and global issues.

Meet our global fellows