2022 Graduation Ceremony

May 22, 2022

Person holding a graduation cap.

“Your academic achievements are made even more noteworthy because they were made in the midst of “real life.” I want you to know that the entire University community has great respect for what you have accomplished and how you have done it.” —Dr. Lynne Rosansky, Vice President for the Rabb School of Continuing Studies, in her opening address.

The Rabb School of Continuing Studies honored 130 Graduate Professional Studies (GPS) graduates with an in-person celebration on May 22, 2022. Student speaker, Irina Gaziyeva, a graduate of the MS in Project and Program Management, addressed the Class of 2022 along with guest speaker, Michael Katz, Digital Marketing and Design advisory board member.

In her opening address, Rosansky congratulated graduates on their hard work and dedication during their master’s degree programs.

“Each of you have persevered through many challenges, joys and disappointments as our world turned virtual,” she said. “Take a moment — reflect. Today is your day — the day to celebrate your success.”

Rosansky also honored User-Centered Design instructor David Lumerman as the recipient of this year’s Rabb School Outstanding Teacher Award.

“Dave has a reputation for going “above and beyond” with respect to his responsiveness and attention to student needs,” she said. Instructors like Dave who show such dedication and passion shape the learning experience for GPS students.

“I am grateful that I was in school during these years because it allowed me to stay focused, self-motivated, and accountable, said Irina Gaziyeva, and she discussed the challenges of the past few years. “We faced these challenges together.”

Reflecting on her classes and the faculty, “I got to experience small classes and engaging discussions with my classmates. These discussions were the center of my grad school experience.”

Toward the end of her speech, Gaziyeva highlighted “Commencement means the beginning- A beginning of new adventures, new ideas, and new projects.”

Michael Katz, shared his professional journey and the struggles to find balance in life akin to a 3-legged stool “familial life, social life and professional life.” Emphasizing that “your professional passion is so important. Without professional passion, it’s hard to steady that stool leg.”

Katz encouraged graduates to find a company they want to work for. He added “You’re a Brandeis graduate after all, and you have so much to offer. The knowledge and experience you’ve gained throughout your graduate program will allow you the freedom and opportunities to be more selective and not settle.”

Diplomas awarded in each program as follows:

  • Graduate Certificate in Learning Analytics (1 graduate)
  • MS in Bioinformatics (10 graduates)
  • MS in Digital Innovation for FinTech (3 graduate)
  • MS in Digital Marketing and Design (29 graduates)
  • MS in Health Informatics (4 graduates)
  • MS in Health and Medical Informatics (5 graduates)
  • MS in Information Security Leadership (7 graduates)
  • MS in Instructional Design and Technology (1 graduate)
  • MS in Learning Experience Design (4 graduates)
  • MS in Project and Program Management (21 graduates)
  • MS in Strategic Analytics (15 graduates)
  • MS in Technology Management (10 graduates)
  • MS in User-Centered Design (16 graduates)
  • MS in Software Engineering (4 graduates)

The graduation ceremony will be viewed online. Congratulations to our graduates!