An investment in a master’s degree can enhance your skills in the workplace, make you more marketable, and increase your salary. For students who plan to pursue a doctoral degree, the master’s at Brandeis provides an important credential. With your goals in mind, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will work with you to help you to realize the greatest return on your educational investment.

All awards are contingent on the conditions set out annually in the University Bulletin, including (but not limited to) satisfactory academic progress and changes in student status.

Faculty Spotlight

Headshot of Jonathan Anjaria

Jonathan Anjaria is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Brandeis University and the department’s current Director of Graduate Studies. He is also Faculty Director of Professional Development in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS). He joined GSAS to talk about his ethnographic research into urban transportation, the value of the anthropological perspective, and why professional development is so important for graduate students.