Hadassah-Brandeis Institute

Postdoctoral Associates

Scholars who recently earned their Ph.D.s spend a period of time at HBI expanding on their dissertations while also teaching and participating in academic seminars and conferences. While working under the supervision of faculty members, and using the facilities of the university, these scholars are acquiring skills to pursue their career goals. 

Dr. Edith Pick

Edith PickDr. Edith Pick is a postdoctoral associate at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute and the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, and a lecturer at the Hornstein program and the Near Eastern and Judaic Studies department at Brandeis. Dr. Pick holds a Ph.D. in Business and Management from Queen Mary University of London, and in her dissertation explored “the construction of diversity and difference in UK Jewish nonprofit organisations.” Situated in the field of management and organization studies, her work examines how identity is experienced, imagined and managed in Jewish organizations, and how the complexity and diversity of Jewish identity can generate new insights around work, diaspora and social justice. Her paper “Race, whiteness, and the diversity discourse: Lessons from UK Jewish organizations” won the Academy of Management Best Student Paper Award Runner-Up (2023); and her chapter “The political case for diversity: Managing difference in Jewish diaspora organizations” was recently published in The Elgar Research Handbook on Inequalities and Work (2024).

As a postdoctoral researcher at HBI, Edith will develop her work on the intersection between organizations, diversity, and Jewishness. Building on her Ph.D., she will work on publications around the construction of nationhood, gender, and race in Jewish spaces, as they interact with and challenge Jewish communities and wider society; and on the voices and silences of Israel/Palestine in Jewish workplaces.