Expertise: African diaspora studies, Latin American and Caribbean history, critical theories (race, social, legal), history of psychiatry, alterity and difference, philosophy of history and historiography, Atlantic world history, graffiti and hip hop studies
Expertise: North American Indigenous history, the history of capitalism, and 19th-century United States history
Expertise: U.S. history, slavery and emancipation, civil war and reconstruction, American religion and culture, 19th- century United States, social history of marginalized peoples
Expertise: Asian American studies, transnational U.S. history, modern Korea, women’s history, gender and sexuality, oral history, critical mixed race studies
Expertise: Modern Russia, modern Germany, history of globalization, religion
Expertise: Roman and medieval history
Expertise: History of ideas in the long early modern period (1500-1900), early modern English history, early modern European religious history
Expertise: Modern European history, social history, Italian cinema and culture
Expertise: Race and health, history of medicine and science, African American cultural and intellectual history, history of childhood
Expertise: Britain and the British Empire
Expertise: Cold War U.S., military history, business history, and the history of gender and sexuality
Expertise: Ottoman and Turkish history; charity and philanthropy in Islamic history; agrarian history; Ottoman Jerusalem and Palestine
Expertise: Modern Indian history; South Asian culture, literature and film; religion and politics; Asian digital cultures; global history of sport; post-colonial Caribbean literature
Expertise: Modern Middle East history, modern Iran history, nationalism, historiography, comparative revolutions
Expertise: Early modern European history, especially Germany, world history
Expertise: United States social, legal and political history
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Expertise: Late imperial and modern China; Chinese social and political thought and intellectual culture from 1600 to the present; politics of history and culture, nationalism(s), and constitutional movements; comparative history of ideas about the state, market, and citizenship in East Asia and the West.
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Teaching Affiliated Faculty
Expertise: Archaeology and history of ancient and late antique Christianity. Material culture and religions of eastern Mediterranean and the Near East. Monasticism in Eastern Mediterranean World. Foodways in Late Antiquity.
Expertise: Jewish history, women's and gender studies
Expertise: The history of education, intellectual history, the relationship between social science and social policy, and ideas about race, class, and inequality in modern America
Expertise: Early modern history, especially Jewish cultural history in early modern Central Europe and Habsburg lands; women's history and gender studies; history and memory
Expertise: Modern Jewish history, Holocaust studies
Expertise: American political development, qualitative methods, policing and social movements, history of race policy and politics
Expertise: Modern Jewish history
Expertise: American Jewish history and life, Jews in the Americas; American religion
Expertise: Islamic thought; Islamic law in theory and practice; Islamic history (late antique and medieval); Ethics and Sufism; Contemporary Muslim thought and practice; Gender and sexuality in Muslim societies.
Expertise: Modern European Jewish intellectual history, history of Jewish nationalism and zionism, modern European intellectual history, history of continental philosophy, modern German Jewish thought, the impact of European Jewish refugees on the American, European, and Israeli public sphere as well as the academy
Expertise: African American and modern United States history, African American military history, World War I, African American intellectual history
Faculty Emeriti
Expertise: Women's history, social history, history of education, history as theater, Jewish women's history, women and gender studies
Expertise: Latin America, women's history, social history, Mexican history, Latin American history, U.S.-Latin American relations, Latinos in the United States
Expertise: American history, comparative history
Expertise: Intellectual, cultural and political history, American and European
Expertise: Modern European and French history, history of modern war
Expertise: East European Jewish history, Holocaust studies
Expertise: East Asian history and civilization, Sino-Western and Sino-American relations, modern China, traditional Chinese thought
Expertise: Africa: social history, slavery, African diaspora, Afro-Brazil