Brandeis Innovation

Brandeis Innovation Annual Start-up Mixer 2024


On September 4, 2024, Brandeis Innovation kicked off its fall programming with the annual Startup (Entrepreneurship) Mixer at the Mandel Forum. The event brought together diverse students, faculty, and alums, as it provided a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to connect with resources on campus and learn more about the entrepreneurial ecosystem at Brandeis.

The program began with a warm welcome from Juan Giraldo, Spark Program Manager, who expressed his excitement for the growing entrepreneurial spirit among the Brandeis community. Fern Shamis, Program Coordinator, also provided an insightful introduction to the Brandeis Innovation Center and briefly mentioned the I-Corps Fellowship, an exclusive opportunity to work with scientists as a business advisor on groundbreaking technological and scientific advancements, funded by the National Science Foundation. Juan and Fern highlighted the Center's unique role in fostering innovation and supporting startups across the university. They noted the various resources available to students—including mentorship, funding opportunities, and collaborative spaces designed to nurture entrepreneurial ideas from inception to execution.

Juan then introduced the Spark Program, the flagship program of Brandeis Innovation. He detailed how the program supports students, faculty, and staff in transforming their ideas into social enterprises. Juan encouraged attendees to participate in the Spark Program, where they can pitch their ideas in the SparkTank competition to win seed funding and access valuable mentorship.

Next, Michael Patent from the MakerLab took the stage to showcase Brandeis Design and Innovation. He introduced the facilities available on campus, such as the MakerLab, the Automation Lab, and the Digital Scholarship Lab, where students can explore cutting-edge technologies like 3D printing, AR/VR, and robotics. He highlighted the lab's role in supporting projects through hands-on experimentation and innovation, and also mentioned DeisHacks briefly—a 48-hour hackathon that challenges participants to develop solutions for real-world problems.

Erica Hwang followed with an introduction to the Asper Center for Global Entrepreneurship, emphasizing its commitment to nurturing global business leaders. She also spoke about the Asper Center Pitch Summit. Happening on February 9-10, 2025, the Pitch Summit is both a workshop and prize competition that helps Brandeisians craft their business ideas and condense them into a five-minute story. She also talked about DeisHacks, Brandeis' own social good hackathon, which is now in its 8th year. The hackathon is set to happen on January 24 to 26, 2025, with applications opening this September 2024. The Brandeis Entrepreneurship and Technology Association (BETA) followed, represented by Deborah Engelberg and Sarah Baskin, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer respectively. They introduced BETA and their upcoming activities, as well as inviting interested students to join and get involved with BETA.

The evening's highlight was a Q&A session with Tara Opalinski, CEO of Candor, a startup built here at Brandeis that went through the Heller Startup Challenge and Spark program. Tara shared her journey from a participant in the programs during the event to a successful entrepreneur, offering advice to attendees on navigating the challenges of starting a business. She emphasized the importance of falling in love with the problem rather than the idea—as pivoting during the early days of your venture is a common occurrence. 

After the insightful talks—the event ended with a networking session, where attendees mingled with like-minded peers, potential mentors, and future collaborators. Brandeis Innovation's Startup (Entrepreneurship) Mixer is just the beginning of an exciting semester filled with opportunities for students to engage with the entrepreneurial community.

Whether you're looking to develop a new business idea, explore cutting-edge technology, or connect with fellow innovators, Brandeis offers a supportive environment that will encourage and motivate you on your journey.

Don't miss our upcoming events, where you can learn more about how Brandeis Innovation can help skyrocket your startup, or just meet like-minded fellow students interested in all things entrepreneurship It's your chance to practice your pitching skills, receive feedback from experienced entrepreneurs, and enjoy some delicious pizza. Join us and be part of Brandeis's vibrant entrepreneurial community!