Fines and Fees
Overdue Fines
Late fees are assessed to encourage prompt return of library materials and are imposed for material returned after the due date. Borrowers who keep items beyond the time allotted to them are denying their fellow scholars access to these materials. If you have questions about your late fees please email
Rates of Accrual
To check the accrual rate of overdue fines, please view the table below. For laptop and equipment fees, visit the Laptops and Equipment page.
Material Type | Overdue Fine Amount | Maximum Overdue Fines |
Main Library Stacks | No overdue fines | No overdue fines |
Media (DVDs, CDs, VHSs) | No overdue fines | No overdue fines |
Recreational Reading and Juvenile Literature | No overdue fines | No overdue fines |
Journals, periodicals, non-circulating materials | No overdue fines | No overdue fines |
Course Reserves | $2 per hour | $100 |
Course Reserve Media | $2 per hour | $100 |
Carrels and Lockers | $0.25 per day | $10 |
Lost Fees and Replacements
- All lost items are subject to a $100 replacement fee. Items are declared lost automatically after reaching 60 days overdue.
- If the value of the lost item is more than $100 the library reserves the right to increase the replacement fee.
- Borrowers may purchase a replacement copy of the lost item in lieu of paying the replacement fee. Replacement copies must be the same edition or newer and must be in good condition. The replacement cannot be a previous library book. Before purchasing a replacement item, contact the Information and Borrowing Desk at to ensure you purchase the correct item.
- Please contact interlibrary loan staff before purchasing a replacement interlibrary loan item. Some lending libraries will not accept replacement items.
Paying Library Fines and Fees
Fees can be paid in person by credit card, check, or with a donation of food at the Information & Borrowing on Goldfarb level 1. Checks should be made out to the Brandeis University Library and can be mailed to the following address if paying from afar:
Information & Borrowing Desk
Brandeis Library
MS 045, Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
For students, all outstanding library fine and fees will be billed to the student's Sage account before graduation.