Brandeis Design and Innovation

Digital Scholarship Lab

Students sit around a table and watch an instructor use equipment in the Digital Scholarship Lab

The Digital Scholarship (DS) Lab brings together students and faculty to pursue humanistic research questions through digital tools, methods and practices. Current endeavors include undergraduate work on the Homer Multitext Project and support for the digitization efforts of the Classical Studies Artifact Research Collection (CLARC) interns. The DS Lab also supports the Southern Phokis Regional Project which is seeking to employ the best technological and scientific methods to the practice and teaching of archaeology, and the SCAPP BOT Project, a Single Camera Photogrammetry Platform  designed as a relatively low-cost and easily reproduced as an alternative to other digital imaging equipment. Individuals or groups with ideas for projects, or that are looking for digital resources, are welcome to stop by or email.

This lab is for projects that require more computational work: crunching data sets, rendering complex geometries, creating virtual experiences, or coding that requires larger displays—with tools such as matlab, GIS, 3D scanning and 3D rendering, unity, unreal engine, and other data analysis, coding, or simulation software.