There’s an App for That

Photo by Mike Lovett
Brandeis Mobile, the university’s new iPhone application, went live in December. It is free and available to the public through the App Store on iTunes or on an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Just search for “Brandeis Mobile.”
The app, developed by the Office of Communications together with EZ Axess, a Web developer based in Sunnyvale, Calif., has links to university news stories published on BrandeisNOW and to President Fred Lawrence’s blog, the Global Brandeis blog, and the Science at Brandeis blog, among others. There are also libraries of videos and photographs, an interactive campus map, and links to the athletics site, library catalog and an emergency contacts page. The university will continue to add features over time.
The university also launched a mobile-friendly Web page that owners of Android devices can use to get some of the same functionality that the Apple app provides.
For more information about the iPhone app and mobile support for other platforms, visit the Brandeis Mobile Applications Website.