Brandeis Phi Beta Kappa chapter elects 89 new members

The Brandeis University chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society has announced the election of 89 new members this year.
Founded at the College of William and Mary in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most prestigious undergraduate honor society in the country. Selection for membership is based on the quality of the candidates’ academic record and the breadth of their scholarly interests beyond their concentration.
“These newest inductees represent not just great academic achievement, but a desire to reach beyond their areas of studies to make broad connections across areas and topics,” said professor Wendy Cadge, senior associate dean for strategic initiatives and president of the Brandeis Phi Beta Kappa chapter. “It’s my privilege to welcome them to Phi Beta Kappa.”
Of the honorees, 80 are members of the Class of 2020, and nine are in the Class of 2021. An additional nine students in the Class of 2020 were inducted as juniors last year.
The inductees will be celebrated in a virtual ceremony on May 26 at 10 a.m.
Members of Class of 2020 (* indicates they were elected as a junior):
Armstrong, Chris Sargent*
Bchiri, Haia Hannah R'nana*
Bernstein, Lauren Alicia*
Brown, Lev Jacob
Carey, Shale
Chambers, Erin Orel
Chimoff, Justin Max
Corin, Aaron Julian
Dankowicz, Even A
de Mena, Chris M
Dong, Vincent T
Ernst, Sarah E
Fagin, Alissa Deborah
Fahey, Kayla Marie
Farrell, Emma*
Fishman, Emily Jane
Freudberg, Rose Victoria
Fruchtman, Harry Baker
Geller, Jennifer Ellen
Geng, Zeyu
Ghanim, Lina
Guenzburger, Talya Naomi
Guo, Sarah
Hashemipour Moussavi, Ghazal
Hayashi, Lauren Sachie
He, Yixiao
Herman, Joel Aron
Hertz, Zoe Eden
Hollander, Klarissa
Hua, Leyi
Hua, Qi /
Humphries, Sarah Madison
Kazaz, Itay
Kim, Luna
Kim, Yun-Kyung
Kleiman, Anat
Kohn-Levitt, Sylvia
Korgood, Renee Moira
Kulchyckyj, Maria Nina
Lassar, Miranda Sive
Levie, Shira Nitzana
L'Herrou, Angus
Li, Yixuan
Liu, Alice
Liu, Xuantong
Lloyd, Hannah Catherine
Loc, Ashley B
Lyu, Vivian
McCormack, Ash Flaherty
McKenna, Siobhan Marie
Melberg, Meghan Elizabeth*
Mintz, Brian Andrew
Nahar, Hadas M
Nichols, Olivia Aiko
Niyobuhungiro, Agape Birori
Pavel, Sonia Maria*
Pelin, Serra Deniz
Peters, Jack Matthew
Potochevska, Polina S
Press, Gerry Levy
Pretekin, Gabrielle Marilyn
Pugh-Sellers, Lucia Wright
Purbollari, Gisaldjo
Robins, Evan A.
Rozonoyer, Ben V.*
Santillana Hernandez, Giselle Rosalba
Sayer, Evan Gareth
Sewa, Agnele Sylvia*
Shankara, Sravya Bharathi
Sharaga, Victoria Grace*
Sheng, Carrie
Skoff, Hannah Dena
Slayton, Rachel Erin
Somberg, Noah Harris
Song, Jiayao
Stobbe, Norma Ruth
Sverdlik, Alexis David
Tan, Yuchen
Tang, Kexin
Tatnall, Abigail Ann
Wang, Ruyu
Wang, Sunjie
Wei, Laura Z
Wen, Karina Moellmann
Yang, Tracy
Yu, Xiaoyang
Zhao, Yunan
Zhou, Nate
Zieff, Matthew Jacob
Members of Class of 2021:
Aronson, Sam Benjamin
Chen, Yueting
Gould, Jocelyn Emma
Guo, Ziyi
Li, Hongyu
Liu, Kailin
Rho, Shinji
Sussman, Rachel Freed
Trachtenberg, Sophie Bea
Categories: Student Life