
The Institutional Biosafety Committee is responsible for oversight of the biosafety program at Brandeis University. The committee ensures compliance with the NIH Guidelines and Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories standards by reviewing biosafety-related research conducted at Brandeis.

The biosafety committee is composed of faculty investigators; an environmental health and safety expert; an independent scientific consultant; an administrator; and members of the community. The committee meets on a quarterly basis, but holds additional meetings on an as-needed basis.

Current IBC Members

Sacha Nelson, MD, PhD
Gyula and Katica Tauber Professor of Life Science
IBC Role: Chair
Thomas Creonte
Assistant Director of Public Health, City of Waltham Health Department
IBC Role: Community Member
Michelle Feeley
Chief Health Inspector, City of Waltham Health Department
IBC Role: Community Member
Andrew Finn, MS, CET
Manager, Environmental Health & Safety
IBC Role: Non-Scientist Member and Biosafety Officer
Theodore A. Myatt, ScD, MEM
Senior Scientist, Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc.; Associate Vice President for Research Administration, University of Rhode Island
IBC Role: Scientist Member
Frank Sangiorgi, PhD
Manager, Research Integrity and Compliance
Douglas Theobald, PhD
Associate Professor of Biochemistry
IBC Role: Scientist Member
Allyson Walsh
Assistant Director, Lab Safety, Compliance & Integrity