Welcome to Fall 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the start of the fall semester of 2024. I hope you had a wonderful summer and are enjoying the remaining days before classes begin.  

I’m pleased to share some organizational updates in the Office of the Provost. The Academic Affairs “division” has been reorganized into two areas; Academic and Strategic Initiatives, and Assessment and Accreditation, led by Harleen Singh and Linda Bui, respectively. In addition, the Office of Academic Services moved from the Provost’s Office to the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences. The Posse Scholars and Upward Bound programs moved as well, joining the other units under Academic Services that support undergraduate students. Finally, we have created a centralized Faculty Affairs team, led by Joel Christensen, responsible for campus-wide faculty affairs. Following are the responsibilities for each of these areas:

Harleen Singh, Senior Associate Provost for Academic and Strategic Initiatives; Director, Women's Studies Research Center; Associate Professor of Literature, South Asian Studies, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Areas of focus: global affairs; student success and support; policies and procedures; and strategic academic initiatives; liaison to Centers and Institutes. Reporting offices: Student Accessibility Support (SAS), English Language Program (ELP) and Writing Center, International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO), Study Abroad, Academic Fellowships, the Samuels Center for Community Partnerships and Civic Transformation (COMPACT) and ENACT: The Educational Network for Active Civic Transformation 

Linda Bui, Senior Associate Provost for Assessment and Accreditation; Professor, Department of Economics

Areas of focus: management of the accreditation cycle; implementation of the self-study process and report writing; Accreditation Liaison Officer to NECHE; strategic leadership related to assessment of student learning; changes in academic programs; other initiatives in the Provost’s Office. Reporting offices: Registrar

Joel Christensen, Senior Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs; Professor, Department of Classical and Early Mediterranean Studies

Areas of focus: hiring, on-boarding, mentoring, reappointment, tenure, promotion, and contracts for all Brandeis faculty; supporting faculty research and professional development; constructing multi-year hiring plans for each of our schools; and establishing and revising new and existing faculty-based institutional policies. Reporting offices: Faculty Affairs

I look forward to seeing you all soon. 


Carol A. Fierke Ph.D. '84, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs