Office of the University Registrar

New Undergraduate Registration Information

You will register for classes using Workday (our student records system). Guides to using Workday for updating your personal information, finding classes, enrolling and tracking your progress are available. Please visit the Workday Student website to view these job aids, FAQs and helpful resources.

Additional information for new students can be found on Academic Advising for New Students.

FYS Lottery: (new first-year, mid-year, and transfer students) 

First Year Seminar (FYS) is a required first-year seminar. For details about classes, please see the University Writing Program website. Initial enrollment in a FYS is handled through a lottery process; in mid-June new students will be sent an email with a link to a Qualtrics survey from the Registrar's office where you will rank nine sections of FYS in your order of preference. After the survey closes, an optimization and lottery process is run to enroll students in one of their preferred sections. Once FYS enrollments have been added to Workday (June 26th or 27th), students will be notified so that they can review and adjust their other planned classes.

For Fall-Entry Students

Online registration for all fall semester 2025 classes will take place in Workday. Class registration is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis, so please register early to maximize course choice.

Placement Tests and Placement Information (foreign languages, chemistry, mathematics and physics)
Students who plan to take a foreign language, chemistry, mathematics or physics class must review the information on placement and complete the appropriate placement test prior to registering.

Fall Registration Period

New undergraduate students will register for fall 2025 courses July 10-16. Registration will then reopen for all students on July 17.