Text for Publications and Research Proposals
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Electron Microscope Facility: Brandeis operates an electron microscope core facility in the Rosenstiel Center. The facility includes three transmission electron microscopes: 1) A Tundra Cryo TEM equipped with an x-FEG and Falcon-C Direct Detector. It has a semi autoloader using autogrids and is run with Smart EPU for both screening of cryo grids, as well as cryo and room temperature single particle data acquisition. 2) A Tecnai F20 TEM with a FEG and Compustage, equipped with a Gatan Oneview CMOS camera which can be controlled via SerialEM software for tomographic and single particle data acquisition. 3) A FEI Morgagni, operated at 80kV, with a AMT Nanosprint5 CMOS camera used for screening grids of negative stain single particle and plastic sections. The microscopy suite was carefully built to minimize vibration, and all rooms, including the sample preparation room, are temperature and humidity controlled. Also available are ambient temperature and cryo-holders, three plunge freezers (including two FEI Vitrobots and one Gatan CP3), an Edwards carbon evaporator, two glow discharge units and a UC6 ultramicrotome for sectioning resin blocks. In addition, a Cryo EM GPU workstation is available for data processing.
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