Commencement 2024

Descriptive Transcript

The video begins with an uplifting music and shots of the Gosman Sports Center. We see empty chairs and people walking inside the building getting ready for the ceremony.

We hear Ronald D. Liebowitz’s voice as he is addressing the class. He says, “It is my distinct pleasure and honor to welcome you to the 73rd commencement ceremony of Brandeis University. The students we recognize today have worked hard and have overcome significant adversity to achieve this milestone. For many of you graduates today, this is your first opportunity to walk the stage, as your high school graduations were canceled due to COVID. Today is your day to celebrate all you have accomplished. On behalf of the extended Brandeis community, I offer my congratulations.” 

As Ron speaks, student walk in lines as they find their seats. Students smile and talk. We then hear the voice of Ken Burns the undergraduate Commencement speaker. He says, “Let me speak directly to the graduating class. Do good things, help others. Leadership is humility and generosity squared. Choose honor over hypocrisy, virtue over vulgarity, sacrifice over self-indulgence. Good luck and Godspeed.” As Ken speaks, students look pensive and then the music picks up and students go to the stage to pick up their diplomas.

We then hear the voice of graduate Commencement speaker Ruth Simmons and she says; “I congratulate you on the singular milestone that we celebrate today. But I know that this is only the beginning of the accomplishments that you will accumulate in the years ahead. You are part of a tradition of excellence burnished by numerous individuals of stellar character and outstanding ability. Through your achievements, you now have the opportunity to add significantly to the legacy of this institution.”

We hear a new song in the background, and we see students walking with their diplomas. We hear the voice of the graduate Commencement speaker, Peter Thabet as he says, “Our presence here today celebrates more than just our individual hard work and success. It is also a tribute to the spirit and principles that Brandeis University has stood for since its inception. Here’s to our future, filled with endless possibilities shaped by the values we cherish here at Brandeis. It is my absolute pleasure to say congratulations to the class of 2024.”

Cut to students applauding and students taking pictures outside. We hear the voice of Ianna Gilbert, the undergraduate Commencement speaker and she says, “These are unprecedented times. A common phrase we have heard for these past four years, even before we stepped foot on this campus, we knew that our college experience would be like no other. But we made it. The class of 2024. We made it.”

As the speakers finishes talking, the music starts to slowly fade and we see shots of students in the auditorium throwing their caps in the air. The Brandeis University logo comes on screen and then slowly fades out.