Department of Student Engagement

SCC and Usdan Flyer, Poster, Banner, and Chalking Policies and Procedures

The Brandeis University Campus Use of Space policy provides guidelines for posters, banners, handbills, notices, flyers, chalking, and other use of campus space. Students must also adhere to other applicable University policies, including but not limited to Rights & Responsibilities and the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence.

These policies apply to The Shapiro Campus Center and the Usdan Student Center. This page provides additional policies and procedures specific to the SCC and Usdan, given the purposes of these buildings and specific space and safety constraints.

Shapiro Campus Center/Usdan Student Center

The Shapiro Campus Center and the Usdan Student Center only permit postings from official Brandeis organizations (university departments, recognized student organizations). Postings from unrecognized groups or those unassociated with campus are not permitted (housing, jobs, selling items, etc.).