SCC and Usdan Flyer, Poster, Banner, and Chalking Policies and Procedures
The Brandeis University Campus Use of Space policy provides guidelines for posters, banners, handbills, notices, flyers, chalking, and other use of campus space. Students must also adhere to other applicable University policies, including but not limited to Rights & Responsibilities and the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence.
These policies apply to The Shapiro Campus Center and the Usdan Student Center. This page provides additional policies and procedures specific to the SCC and Usdan, given the purposes of these buildings and specific space and safety constraints.
Shapiro Campus Center/Usdan Student Center
The Shapiro Campus Center and the Usdan Student Center only permit postings from official Brandeis organizations (university departments, recognized student organizations). Postings from unrecognized groups or those unassociated with campus are not permitted (housing, jobs, selling items, etc.).
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Campus Space Use Policy states: “Community Members who engage in chalking must observe the distinction between advertising events and vandalism. Only sidewalks — which does not include patios and steps to a building—may be chalked. Chalking on buildings and on University or personal property (e.g., buildings, cars, bus shelters, and signs), except for on one’s own personal property, is not permitted. Chalking is also not permitted in areas where it cannot be washed away by rainfall. The University reserves the right to authorize the removal and adjudication of chalked messages if they are in violation of existing campus policy, are harassing, threatening, or contributing to a hostile environment, or use profane illustrations or language.”
Note: Anything written or drawn must be appropriate and follow the guidelines of Rights and Responsibilities. If chalking that violates university policy is found on campus, the chalking may be removed by the university and the involved parties may be referred to SRCS.
Posters, flyers, and handbills may only be posted on designated bulletin boards. Placing paper advertisements on tables or in piles is not permitted.
The maximum amount of time any poster can remain up is one month. Posters are permitted to be placed with thumbtacks (no tape or staples) on bulletin boards in both the Shapiro Campus Center and the Usdan Student Center. One posting per board. Postings may not be posted on doors, windows, walls, glass of any kind, stairway railings, floors, or ceilings due to safety concerns.
All posters hung in the SCC or Usdan must be pre-approved. To receive approval for the SCC, please go to their Information Desk or the Department of Student Engagement to receive a stamp of approval. For Usdan, take posters to the Department of Community Living Office to receive a stamp of approval. You may have five posters of the SCC and eight posters stamped for Usdan.
In order to receive approval, a poster must include:
- Name of the sponsoring organization as well as the word “Brandeis” somewhere on it
- Name, date, time, and location of the event
- Recycling symbol in the corner
There is a limit of one flyer per board, no larger than Ledger (11"x17")
Balcony space above the Information Desk leading up to the second floor of the SCC may be used for event posters. Events must be sponsored by a recognized student organization or a university department. This must be clearly identified on the poster. Posters must first be stamped at the Student Engagement office and hung by a DSE staff member. Posters can be up for up to two weeks leading up to the event and must be removed following the event. All posters must be hung on the railings of the stairwell or bridges in the Atrium with string (no tape). Posters must be 4ft wide by 3ft tall. For exceptions in size of poster or length of posting time, please contact DSE.
Recognized student organizations may create banners to be hung on the second or third floor railings of the SCC. Banners may only include your organization's logo (if applicable) and the name of your organization (you may not use only initials as people may not know what they stand for). If your organization's name does not convey its purpose, you may add a sentence of explanation. Please see below for instructions.
Please note that the PDF file submitted to the form and Staples must have a height of 36 inches and a width of 48 inches. Canva is commonly used to make these files.
After approval, posters must be ordered online from Staples and be 3ft tall by 4ft wide. Additionally, the following options must be selected:
- Orientation: Landscape
- Size: 3ft x 4ft
- Material: Scrim Vinyl
- Finishing and Accessories: 4 Grommets
Banners must first be submitted for approval before ordering. You may not order your banner unless you receive written approval from DSE.
Posters must be approved and stamped at the Student Engagement office.
All posters must be hung on the stairwell railings or bridges in the Atrium with string or zip-ties (no tape) and be parallel to the floor below. Banners must be hung by a DSE staff member.
Space is limited, so even banners that meet the requirements may not be approved for hanging - so plan ahead!
If there are more requests than available space can accommodate, DSE will develop a rotation schedule for when individual banners will be hung.
If an organization is no longer officially recognized, the banner will be removed.
Recognized student organizations and university departments may use A-frames or easels to promote their program up to two weeks before it occurs, if space and other events allow. These A-frames or easels must first be approved by the Department of Student Engagement, and stamped. The A-frames or easels must be 2ft wide by 3ft tall. For exceptions in size or length of posting time, please contact DSE.
No one may remove posters or flyers other than their own. The Campus Center Team or members of the Student Engagement staff will remove posters and flyers that are out of date, unauthorized, or do not adhere to the criteria for approval.