Time Management
Managing time means investing time into deciding what you want out of life, including what you want out of being a member of an organization. This concept of managing time assumes that you have clearly focused values and goals for your work, family, studies, social activities, and most importantly, yourself.
How Well Do You Manage Your Time?
Do you prioritize things from most important to least important?
Do you accomplish what needs to get done during the day?
Are your assignments always turned in on time?
Do you use your free time efficiently?
Do you tackle difficult and unpleasant tasks without procrastinating?
Are you working up to your potential?
Do you spend enough time planning?
Do you prepare a daily “To Do” list?
Think about your behaviors with regard to the questions below:
Do you prioritize your “To Do” list?
Do you keep an up-to-date schedule book/planner?
Are you up-to-date on personal paperwork?
Do you let interruptions sidetrack you from daily tasks?
Do you spend too much time on trivial matters?
Do you wake up in the morning ready to tackle the tasks of the day?
Common Causes of Procrastination
Low tolerance for frustration
Self doubt
Fear of failure
Feelings of being overwhelmed by “the whole task”
Fear of success
“I find this task easier to do when I’m under pressure”
Perfectionist tendencies
Waiting to “get in the mood”
Distaste for a particular task
Loss of desire to complete the task
“To Do” List Tricks
The Charles Schwab Priority List Method
Write down your upcoming duties.
Write down a number beside each duty to indicate which is more important.
Do each duty in order of its assigned importance.
Do not go on to the next one until the preceding duty is completed or when you have done as much as you could for the present period of time.
Any uncompleted duties at the end of the day become top priority for the next day.
Add to the list.
A B C D Method
The tasks on your to do list can usually be broken up into four categories. “Importance” and “Urgency” are personal values, with “importance” concerned with degree of value, and “urgency” concerned with timing:
A - Important & Urgent
Exam tomorrow
Roommate becomes ill
B - Important/Not Urgent
Date with friend
Essay due in 30 days
C - Not Important/Urgent
Ringing phone
Unnecessary work
D - Not Important/Not Urgent
Too much TV
Once you determine where your tasks fall in these categories, it will be easier for you to prioritize!