Campus Sustainability Fund

The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) provides financial support for projects and/or activities by groups of students which promote Brandeis’s environmental sustainability. Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship for the future of Brandeis University and the larger global community, this fund provides a student driven funding mechanism that empowers undergraduates to improve Brandeis’s environmental standing.

CSF Board

The CSF is overseen by the CSF Subcommittee of the Allocations Board. This subcommittee consists of 5 members. 4 of these members are elected members of the Allocations Board. One of the Co-Chairs shall concurrently serve as the Chair of the CSF Subcommittee. The fifth member of the board, the Advisor, shall be an external member of the Brandeis community who is knowledgeable in environmental sustainability. The Advisor shall be nominated by the Chair of the CSF and confirmed by the Senate.


All applications for funding from the CSF must be put forward by Brandeis University undergraduates currently enrolled as full-time or part-time students at the university. No chartered or secured club or organization, or Student Union special projects receiving funding from the Student Union, may submit an application for funding on its behalf. All projects will require Brandeis Administration (staff/faculty) to attest to the technical viability of the project.


The CSF Subcommittee only functions in the Fall semester. Below are the general guidelines for how submitting a proposal works:

  1. At the start of the Fall Semester, the Allocations Board will publish a timeline of the CSF application process.
  2. After the deadline for submission has passed, the CSF Subcommittee will schedule a time with each student or group of students who have submitted a proposal to present their initiative to the Subcommittee.
  3. The CSF Subcommittee, after deliberating on all project proposals, will vote to either approve, partially approve, or deny funding for each project.
  4. After funding has been approved, the Subcommittee and University Administration will communicate with the applicants on the logistics of rolling out this initiative.


The CSF Subcommittee will review applications on the following criteria, keeping in mind that funding is limited.

  1. Relevancy - all projects should relate to the improvement of the University’s environmental sustainability. These areas may include, but are not limited to :
    • Energy Conservation
    • Water conservation
    • Greenhouse gas reduction/renewable energy
    • Waste minimization
    • Pollution prevention/reduction
    • Building design/construction
    • Landscape and Grounds
    • Transportation
    • Educational awareness/community engagement
    • Environmental student leadership development
  2. Impact - all projects should be evaluated with regards to their short and long term impacts upon the following areas:
    • Environmental Impact - impact
    • Community Impact – impact upon the larger Brandeis community, including students, faculty, staff and any potential impacts on the larger Waltham area.
    • Operational Impact – effect upon day-to-day operations of the University, including emphasis on scalability and innovation.
  3. Financial Viability - all projects should be evaluated both short and long-term on their financial viability including:
    • Cost-benefit analysis – effective use of funds
    • Potential financial risk
    • Cost assumptions
  4. Technical Viability – all projects should be evaluated both long and short-term on their technical viability including:
    • Feasibility of implementation on campus
    • Any increased demand for resources that will continue after CSF funding has been exhausted

Submission Instructions:

To submit your application, please email with the subject line “CSF Application”

Past Projects