
Marathons are periods during which clubs can request money. Each semester, A-Board holds a marathon to hear all requests for the following semester. To see the full marathon schedule, refer to this calendar. A-Board will release funding decisions promptly following the close of each marathon. 

An appeals marathon will follow the release of funding decisions. Only requests which were fully denied, partially denied, or entered with errors may be appealed. Any appeals received after the close of the appeals marathon will not be considered.

If unexpected costs arise during the semester, Emergency Funding or a Funding Reallocation may be requested. Please see below for more info. 

Marathon Procedures

Allocation Board’s request process has two mandatory components which must be completed during a marathon period: 

  1. Formal requests on SLATE
  2. Additional/Supplemental materials are provided and communicated by email on a case-by-case basis.

Please click this link for the treasury training slideshow with a detailed guide.

*This will be enforced at the desecration of A-Board, contingent on the availability of information needed by A-board to make a responsible decision.  


Located at, SLATE is the financial management system used by the Allocations Board. Formal requests for funding including: Marathon CoreBudget Requests, Appeals, Emergency Requests, and Re-Allocation Requests.

Additional Forms

A-Board has the right to add additional informational forms to best allocate funds to clubs. Currently, these are in the format of Google Forms. These forms are required for club allocation and can be found here.


Every club asking for allocations is encouraged to have a representative attend a Drop-In session. These sessions will be held during the Marathon period. During these sessions, clubs will have their SLATE requests reviewed by an A-Board member and can ask any questions.

Appeals Marathon Procedures

Only requests which were fully denied, partially denied, or entered with errors may be appealed. Any appeals received after the close of the appeals marathon will not be considered.

To appeal a request, representatives from a club must attend an A-Board office hour during the appeals marathon. In that time, an A-Board member will hear arguments for the appeal and relay those to the rest of the A-Board. Clubs must also re-submit the portions of their requests which were previously denied in SLATE.

Emergency Funding Procedures

To request Emergency Funding, clubs must submit an email to at least one week prior to the event/purchase. The email should include the cost breakdown of the event, as well as a description of what the purpose of the event is and why the request is being made outside of the marathon period. We hold meetings at 1 p.m. on Sundays, and vote on emergency requests then.

The following emergency funding subsidies will be available:

  1. Up to a 100% subsidy will be available for supplementary request which support events funded through marathon (e.g. unexpected Conference and Events costs). 
  2. Up to a 100% subsidy will be available for events that were not funded through marathon, and could not have been foreseen (e.g. a club gets invited to attend an event after marathon has passed).
  3. Up to an 80% subsidy will be available for events that were not funded through marathon, and could have been foreseen (e.g. a club decides that they want to host a movie screening). 

Funding allocated to either CES or Independent Contractor RA types cannot be reallocated to other RA types. Reallocations will not be granted from unspent funds at the end of a semester.

Secured Clubs

Emergency funding will only be provided to secured clubs that demonstrate financial need. This means that the club’s overall general grant is insufficient to cover their financial obligations.  Secured Clubs will not be provided  emergency funds preemptively if they do not constitute a need for those funds.

Probationary Club Procedure

The Student Union Senate may grant probationary charters to student groups which assist newly formed clubs. A-Board may fund these new clubs up to $1000 per semester unless an exceptional need is demonstrated. All probationary clubs must make their requests in a probationary club marathon or the full semester marathon. One probationary marathon will be held in the first half of each semester. A-Board may require additional request information from probationary clubs. There will be no appeals for probationary club marathons.

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