Lesson Plan: Peer Review
African and African American Studies
Lesson Objective
This lesson has two objectives. The first is to review some of the major concepts in academic writing (thesis, motive, structuring an argument). The second related goal is to critique each other’s work and in the process, gain some insight into the application of these concepts.
Estimated Time
45 minutes
Before Class
The class has already written and submitted their second papers. The instructor can either bring copies of the papers (minus written comments) or require students to bring them that day.
In Class
- We begin by reviewing the definition of a thesis and writing those elements up on the board.
- Then we discuss motives. In my experience, students do not remember this concept from their UWS and it requires a good amount of discussion to establish the definition. It helps to give some examples drawn from the current course materials.
- Finally, we review how an argument is structured as a series of claims. Again, I provide a simple example drawn from the material they use in their papers.
- Now that we've reviewed these concepts and they are fresh in their minds, I hand out the peer review worksheet. They read each other's papers (they are only five pages) and fill in the worksheet.
After Class
Students have the opportunity to revise their papers. This exercise helps them in the revision process.
Anna Jaysane-Darr and Faith Smith
Developed at Brandeis University through a grant from the Davis Educational Foundation