Summer 2025 Course Overview
On Brandeis in Copenhagen, all students take the Core Course and participate in the accompanying study tour to Stockholm. Students choose one additional elective to take simultaneously for a total of 8 credits. One course is taught by the Brandeis Faculty Director and the other two courses are taught by local faculty from our academic partner, DIS. All academic work will be taught in English.
Your learning will consist of a combination of classroom lecture and coursework, guest speakers, and field trips to sites of interest in and around Copenhagen and on the international excursion to Stockholm. All aspects of this program will deepen your understanding of business practices, economic theory and policy from U.S., Scandinavian, and European perspectives. Additional excursions will focus on creating a deeper understanding of contemporary life and culture in Denmark.
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All students take this core course and participate in the associated study tour to Stockholm, Sweden.
Examines sustainability through an economic lens while analyzing decisions of businesses, consumers, and policymakers. Consumer preferences and adaptation to market demands. Market failures and tragedy of the commons, risk vs. uncertainty, and cost-benefit analysis. Explores the complexity of managing the environment for all of humanity's common good.
Taught by DIS Faculty
ECON 2a or ECON 10a.
Course Credit
The course grades will be listed on students' Brandeis transcript and will count on their overall GPA. The courses will count as Brandeis credit, and not as transfer credit.
- Economics Majors and Minors: Satisfies the lower level elective requirement
- Business Majors & Minors: Satisfies the Business and Society elective requirement.
- Environmental Studies Majors & Minors: Satisfies the Social Sciences/Humanities elective requirement
- Climate Justice, Science, and Policy Minors: Satisfies the climate policy course requirement
Investigates the theoretical and policy problems posed by the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Theoretical topics include the optimal pricing of resources, the optimal use of standards and taxes to correct pollution problems under uncertainty, and the measurement of costs and benefits.
Taught by DIS Faculty
ECON 2a or 10a
Course Credit
The course grades will be listed on students' Brandeis transcript and will count on their overall GPA. The courses will count as Brandeis credit, and not as transfer credit.
- Economics Majors and Minors: Satisfies the lower level elective requirement
- Business Majors & Minors: Satisfies the Business and Society elective requirement.
- Environmental Studies Majors & Minors: Satisfies the Social Sciences + Humanities elective requirement.
- Legal Studies Minors: Satisfies an elective requirement.
- Social Justice & Social Policy Minors: Satisfies a Social Justice in Action elective requirement.
- Peace, Conflict, and Coexistence Studies Minors: Satisfies a PAX-related elective requirement.
A first course in statistical inference. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, normal and binomial distributions, sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, properties of estimators, hypothesis testing, regression, and analysis of variance.
Taught by Dr. Mahsa Akbari, Brandeis.
ECON 2a or ECON 10a. Students must earn a C- or higher in MATH 10a or equivalent.
Course Credit
The course grades will be listed on students' Brandeis transcript and will count in their overall GPA. The courses will count as Brandeis credit, and not as transfer credit.
- Economics Majors: Satisfies the major requirement
- Economics Minors: Satisfies the elective minor requirement
- Business Majors: Satisfies the Quantitative course requirement in place of BUS 51a
- Biology Majors: Satisfies the Quantitative course requirement
- HSSP Majors: Satisfies the Research Methods requirement
- Neuroscience Majors: Satisfies the Quantitative course requirement
- Psychology Majors: Satisfies the Quantitative course requirement
- Brandeis Core: Satisfies a Social Science (SS) requirement and a Quantitative Reasoning (QR) requirement
Danish Language and Culture
In addition to the Economics and Business courses you are taking in Copenhagen, all students will participate in a Danish Language and Culture course that supplements the cross-cultural experience you are having in Denmark.
Academic Excursions
Study tours and excursions are designed to supplement the in-classroom experience and provide students with a unique opportunity to study through lived experiences in Scandinavia. All students will participate in a four-night, five-day international excursion to Stockholm, Sweden, where course material from the core course will be covered in relation to the Swedish business environment. Students will also participate in a day trip outside of Copenhagen to experience the culture of the Danish countryside.
Each course will also include a number of outside-the-classroom excursions within the city of Copenhagen. These excursions are organized to help bring you into direct contact with the subject matter you are studying. Over the course of the summer program you will also have opportunities to hear from guest speakers who may include individuals in local industries, lecturers from the Copenhagen Business School, and others.
Prerequisites for the Program
Students must have completed ECON 10A (or its equivalent) prior to the start of the program in order to be eligible to participate. Students who receive a grade of B+ in ECON 2A may substitute it for ECON 10A.
Please see the course listings above for the prerequisites for each course and contact Ari Kramer if you think you may have an equivalent substitute.