Overview of Programs
Brandeis-run study abroad programs are sponsored by the Office of Study Abroad and are either led or overseen by Brandeis faculty. Building on strong connections in Denmark, Italy, Puerto Rico, and Mexico, Brandeis University has developed these unique academic programs for undergraduate students. The programs embody the distinctive elements of a Brandeis education, including the intense intellectual engagement students share with our cutting-edge faculty; rich experiential learning opportunities; and the university's longstanding commitment to global engagement and social justice.

Brandeis in Copenhagen 2024
Brandeis in Copenhagen
A two-course, intensive summer program in business and economics. Hosted by DIS Abroad and led by Dr. Mahsa Akbari in Summer 2025.
Summer, 8 credits

Brandeis in Mérida 2024
Brandeis in Mérida
A two-course, intensive summer program in Health: Science, Society, and Policy. Hosted by IFSA in Mérida, Mexico and featuring a program excursion to Havana, Cuba. (Open to non-Brandeis students)
Summer, 8 credits

Brandeis in Puerto Rico 2024
Brandeis in Puerto Rico
A two-course, intensive environmental studies program in San Juan, Puerto Rico and featuring program excursions around the island. Next scheduled to run in Summer 2026. (Open to non-Brandeis students)
Summer, 8 credits

Brandeis in Siena 2024
Brandeis in Siena
A two-course, intensive summer program in Studio Art and Art History. Hosted by the Siena Art Institute and led by Professor Jonathan Unglaub in Summer 2025. (Open to non-Brandeis students)
Summer, 8 credits
Learn more about Brandeis in Siena