Information for Families

Supporting a Brandeis Study Abroad Student
This page is a portal to a large amount of useful information for families of Brandeis students. If you can't find the information you're looking for, please feel free to contact us.
Supporting a Study Abroad Student
Studying abroad is an opportunity for your student to complement their Brandeis education with an international experience. Students will learn local languages, explore new cultural concepts, and gain new perspectives on the world. When surveyed, 73% of prospective employers said that study abroad experience is an important factor when evaluating the resumés of job candidates for junior-level positions, so it's no surprise that many Brandeis students take advantage of this academic opportunity.
While studying abroad has countless benefits, it can also be a challenging period of transition and adjustment for your student (and for you!). This section of our website provides resources related to supporting your student during their study abroad program.
Resources for Families
There are many helpful resources for families available to you. We recommend reviewing the website of your student's study abroad program as many will have a parent/family section with helpful information. There are also resources online and, while not every aspect of each one applies for your student, they can be helpful. IES Abroad, one of Brandeis' program partners, also offers these tips for supporting your student while they're abroad.
Health and Safety
Before going abroad, you and your student should assess the potential health and safety risks that may come with study or travel abroad. You should contact your student's study abroad program to learn about the safety protocols currently in place for that program. Additionally, there is valuable country-specific information on the U.S. State Department website and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Passports and Visas
Your student is responsible for ensuring they have all the proper documentation needed to travel to and stay in their host country as a student. Students are required to have a passport to travel internationally. Information about applying for a passport or renewing an existing one is available through the U.S. State Department or the equivalent agency in your student's home country if they are not a U.S. citizen. If your student is unable to acquire a passport but is interested in studying abroad, please encourage them to contact their advisor in the Office of Study Abroad.
In many countries, a student visa or local residence permit is also required to live and study for an extended period of time. Students are responsible for completing this application, appearing in person for any necessary Consular appointments, and receiving a visa prior to the start of their program if necessary. Your student's study abroad program will be one of the most helpful sources of information on what exactly is required.
Please encourage your student to begin passport and visa application processes as early as possible. Processing times can be lengthy depending on the student's destination.
Billing Information
Information about current billing policies regarding study abroad can be found on our Billing page.
Financial Aid
Information about current financial aid policies regarding study abroad can be found on our Financial Aid page.
Earning Brandeis Credit
If you or your student have questions about how to earn Brandeis credit while studying abroad or on what types of courses count for Brandeis credit, visit the Obtaining Brandeis Credit page.
Should you have further questions after reviewing the information on this site, please do not hesitate to contact us.