Three Minute Thesis (3MT)

Photo Credit: Dan Holmes
3MT 2025
Everything you need to know for this year's competition!
Three Minute Thesis, the competition that challenges students to effectively explain their research to a broad audience in just 3 minutes is fast approaching! Hone your public speaking skills, connect with other GSAS students, and potentially win up to $1,000! Interested in competing?
Important dates and Deadlines
- February 6th, 4-5pm, Zoom Info Session. Register for the zoom link
- February 17th, Registration Deadline Date
- March 6th, How To Set Up Your 3MT Talk and Slide
- March 11th, 3MT Speed Review Session
March 27th 2025: 3MT Preliminary Rounds
April 4th, 4-5:30 pm, 3MT Final Round (Spingold Theater)
Previous Brandeis GSAS 3MT Competitions
Our previous 3MT Competitions at Brandeis have demonstrated the incredible growth and capacity of GSAS students to hone their academic, presentation, and research communication skills.
- Read more about this year's final round, students' experiences in the competition, and the 2023 winners.
- Liz Mahon was our overall competition winner. Watch her presentation, "Armed Against Alzheimer’s: How Your Voice Could Save Your Mind."
- Liz Mahon continued onto and WON first place in the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (NAGS) Regional 3MT Competition. Read about her exciting journey.
- This past December, Liz competed in the National 3MT Competition in Washington DC. This was the second time Brandeis was represented at the national level, as Brandeis 3MT 2022 winner Emiliano Gutierrez Popoca, PhD'23 English, competed at the 3MT Nationals in San Francisco.