A student who has not been enrolled in the Graduate School for more than one year and who did not obtain a leave of absence must request readmission from the program and the Graduate School. Readmission is not valid for a new program; the student can only be readmitted into the program from which they withdrew, if it is still an active program. If it is not an active program, the student should contact the Graduate School to inquire whether readmission would be feasible. The student's graduate program will determine in each case whether a student should be readmitted. If the program's requirements have changed during the student's absence or the student is not deemed current in their field of study, the program may require the student to repeat or supplement previous academic requirements, including foreign language or qualifying exams. When a student is reinstated, the student will be informed of current status regarding credits and time to degree. When a student withdraws or remains unenrolled in the program for more than a year, the funding package from the Graduate School awarded to the student is forfeit. Typically, when a student is readmitted, they are not eligible for GSAS funding or aid.


Please note that this is guidance for a typical readmission. GSAS is always willing to discuss unique situations with department and program leadership.

  1. Former student must contact current department leadership (chair and DGS) about the possibility of returning to the program. These discussions must address the following issues:
    1. Assessment of the student’s status and feasibility of their fulfillment of program requirements if they return (i.e. coursework remaining including additional or revised program requirements, prospectus revisions or development, availability of appropriate faculty advisors)
    2. Typically, students who are readmitted will not be awarded a funding package and will need to self-fund the remaining tuition charges/health insurance/fees. If the program would like to fund the readmitted student with a stipend, the amount would be accounted for in the current year’s admissions slots. Additionally, any remaining TA requirements are waived for readmitted students--but if the student is readmitted with a stipend, then the program needs to work with GSAS to determine the appropriate TA requirements for that student. If the program would like to require the readmitted student to TA, then this should be discussed with GSAS in the notification process outlined below.
  2. Once the former student and the program have reached an agreement, the program will notify GSAS of their recommendation to readmit the student, and include the following information, which will be collected in a form.
    1. Student name, ID, readmitted academic status (resident, post-resident, continuation, extended master’s) 
    2. Description of the plan to complete, including timeline, coursework, exams, thesis/dissertation committees
    3. Description of any program requirement waivers (TA requirements, courses that were not required when the student was first enrolled)
    4. Confirmation that the student understands that this is a non-funded readmission, or the method of funding the program is proposing
    5. Explanation of any extenuating factors that are relevant to the decision
    6. Departmental leadership must confirm they are in support of the decision (chair, vice- chair, DGS, Grad Admissions Committee if applicable)
  3. After the GSAS Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs receives the notification, they will consult with the Assistant Dean of Admission and the Dean of GSAS about the recommendation to admit. The Dean will make the final determination to accept/reject the recommendation.
  4. The Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs will notify the program of the GSAS decision, and the Assistant Dean of Admission will work directly with the program to readmit and matriculate the student. The readmission letter will confirm the academic standing, remaining requirements and expectations and confirmation of funding ineligibility (this should all be provided from the form in step 2 in this process).
  5. The Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs will work with the GSAS admissions team to determine the appropriate matriculation communication for the readmitted student.