AP/IB/French Bac/A-Level
Advanced Placement
Brandeis participates in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Qualifying scores necessary to receive credit are recommended by the academic departments to their school councils and administered by the Office of the University Registrar.
Students who receive qualifying scores and wish to apply for Brandeis course credit must contact the College Board and request that their scores be reported to Brandeis University. Brandeis' school code number is 3092.
International Baccalaureate
Brandeis recognizes the International Baccalaureate diploma and will award eight credits (two four-credit courses) for each higher level examination with a score of 5 or better, for a maximum of 16 credits (four, four-credit courses). Additional higher level exams with scores of 5 or better can be awarded purpose credit. Requirement purpose credit has no numeric credit value.
A-Level Examinations
Brandeis recognizes the A-Level Examinations (advanced level only) and will award eight credits (two, four-credit courses) for each subject with grades of A, B or C, for a maximum of 16 credits (four, four-credit courses). Additional subjects with appropriate grades can be awarded requirement purpose credit. Purpose credit has no numeric value. If you expect to receive credit for university work covered by the credential, you should not take the corresponding course at Brandeis. Credit will not be awarded for Advanced Subsidiary exams.
French Baccalaureate Examinations
Brandeis recognizes the French Baccalaureate Examinations and will award up to 16 credits (four, four-credit courses) based on the following criteria: Eight credits (two, four-credit courses) can be earned for subjects with a minimum coefficient of 10 and a minimum score of 14. Four credits can be earned for a minimum coefficient of 5 and a minimum score of 14. Additional subjects with appropriate grades can be awarded requirement purpose credit. Purpose credit has no numeric value. If you expect to receive credit for university work covered by the credential, you should not take the corresponding course at Brandeis.
How to Claim Your Exam Scores
Students should email transfer@brandeis.edu to begin the process of claiming exams for credit. Students who apply exam credits to the Brandeis degree may not enroll in courses here or elsewhere that are regarded as equivalent without experiencing the revocation of the exam credit. Course equivalents are determined by the academic departments and posted by the Office of the University Registrar.
In addition, students may not enroll in a lower-level course at Brandeis University and also claim exam credit that has a higher-level course equivalent. For example, students cannot enroll in MATH 10a at Brandeis and also receive exam credit for MATH 10b. This policy regarding lower-level sequence courses applies to chemistry, mathematics and physics exams. If students enroll in lower-level courses after claiming their exam credit, that credit will be subject to revocation.
A maximum of 16 credits from these exams may be applied toward the overall 128 credits required for graduation. Additional exams (beyond those resulting in the 16 credits) can be used for placement purposes, general degree requirements and major/minor requirements as allowed by individual departments.
The awarding of exam credit is determined by the policies in effect during the student's entry year into Brandeis; students should consult the Bulletin for their year of entry.