Current Scholars

Focus: Photography | Traditions and customs of Sephardic Jewish women

Focus: Public health and higher educations fields on issues of addiction, violence prevention, mental health, sexual health, HIV education and prevention; social justice issues related to rape and crimes of violence; writing and literature

Focus: Organizational leadership and advancing women’s leadership

Focus: Musicologist, environmental activist, musician, and multimedia artist

Focus: Historical representations of Amazons and female heroes in myth and life

Focus: On equal terms, women in construction, digital media project

Focus: Public memory, genocide, art, social justice

Focus: American eldercide: How it happened, how to prevent it the next time

Focus: Women’s, gender, and sexuality studies and art education

Focus: Creative writing, culture, publishing

Focus: Medieval literature, drama, digital humanities

Focus: Political and gender-based violence; political parties; social movements and contentious politics; and ethnic and gender politics with regional specializations in Africa and South Asia

Focus: Race, gender, class, and sexuality in the making and unmaking of national and diasporic imaginaries

Focus: Pre-college sexual education curricula in the U.S.

Focus: Visualizing the identities of Black and queer women through photography

Focus: Poem manuscripts, work on poet Elizabeth Bishop