For Students

Dean Shoulson, a man with short, grey hair, wears a blue suit and tie.

Dear Students,

The numerous executive orders that have been issued by the current administration over the past several weeks have created concern and anxiety for many members of our campus community. Our institutional leadership has been, and continues to be, looking into the fuller implications of these executive orders and how they may impact us.

I am writing now to assure you that we are committed to remaining true to the founding principles and mission of Brandeis University. It’s helpful to quote directly from our mission statement, since it captures so effectively the values that must continue to inform everything we do. We are a research university dedicated to the advancement of the humanities, arts, and social, natural, and physical sciences. And we are a liberal arts college, committed to the importance of a broad and critical education in enriching the lives of students and preparing them for full participation in a changing society, capable of promoting their own welfare, yet remaining deeply concerned about the welfare of others…. We strive to reflect the heterogeneity of the United States and of the world community whose ideas and concerns it shares…. We welcome students, teachers, and staff of every nationality, religion, and orientation, thereby renewing the American heritage of cultural diversity, equal access to opportunity and freedom of expression. Social justice is central to our mission and we believe that diverse backgrounds and ideas are crucial to academic excellence.

I recognize that many in our community are experiencing high levels of stress about the safety and security of loved ones, not to mention themselves. And I know that many are feeling deep concern about the future of the academic fields of study they are pursuing.

I want to reaffirm my own sincere belief in the dignity and value of every person in our community. I remain fully committed to the transformative possibilities of education, and to providing those opportunities to every student, regardless of their identity, background, or status. I am proud of the broad range of academic programs we offer and dedicated to the core principles of academic freedom, which are the very bedrock of robust scholarly inquiry.

I will continue to support all members of our community during these challenging times and remind you of the many resources available to you through this website.



Featured News

Nominate an Outstanding UDR!

Nominations Due: March 7

Each spring, the School of Arts and Sciences presents an Outstanding UDR Award to one or more Undergraduate Departmental Representatives who have performed their duties at an exceptionally high level. Recipients are recognized at the annual Prize and Award ceremony and receive a $100 prize.

You can nominate a UDR using the following criteria:

  • The UDR is proactive in responding to the needs of their department/program.
  • The UDR promotes community among students and faculty within the department/program.
  • The UDR creates a presence for the department/program throughout the Brandeis community and serves as an advocate for their major/minor.

Please note that UDRs cannot nominate themselves.

Nominees will be notified by March 10th.

URCC Summer Research Fellowships Deadline: March 11

Research Fellowships of $5,000 are available for projects in all academic disciplines. See application details!

Office Relocations on Campus

Over the break, there were multiple department relocations around campus, resulting in part from the University's workspace policy aimed at reactivating office space while reducing operational expenses. Below is a list of who moved where. For questions, please contact Campus Planning and/or the departments. Updated locations are listed below:

  • International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO): Upper Gerstenzang Library in the Science Quad
  • Office of Study Abroad: Upper Gerstenzang Library in the Science Quad
  • Office of Graduate Affairs: Upper Gerstenzang Library in the Science Quad
  • Academic Fellowships Office: Usdan floor 2 in the former Study Abroad space
  • Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaborations (URCC): Usdan floor 2 in the former Study Abroad space
  • The Department of Sociology: Heller-Brown Building
  • The Registrar: first floor of the Goldfarb Library

Student Accessibility Support

Students with disabilities make up an important part of our Brandeis community, and includes individuals with a range of physical, sensory, psychological, medical, and learning disabilities. While appreciating the strengths and needs of all students, Student Accessibility Support collaborates with students and campus partners to ensure equitable access to the university experience.

If you have previously connected with SAS, please email your accommodation letters to course instructors right away. As a reminder, they are not retroactive and so timely notification to professors is important.

If you have not been previously in touch with SAS but you have received accommodations and supports in prior learning environments or believe that you may be eligible, SAS is glad to connect with you. Please email us at We hope you have a wonderful semester.

URCC & Funding Resources

URCC Fellowship Q&A Session on Feb. 28

Friday, February 28 from 9:35-10:45 am in Olin-Sang 212. No sign up needed.

Have questions about your research project or application for funding? This drop-in session is for you!

The URCC Peer Research Mentors and URCC Director will be there to meet you, talk about your project and application, and answer your questions.

Fellowships Open House, March 4th

Tuesday, March 4th, 2-3:30pm

Usdan 169 (second floor of Usdan West, above PARC)

Academic Fellowships and the URCC (Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaborations) support undergraduate students searching for and applying for fellowship and research opportunities, and we are excited to be sharing a suite in Usdan. We hope you'll swing by on Tuesday March 4th to check out our new office space, to meet Meredith, Margaret, and Judiana in person, and enjoy a snack. We will also be joined by a few previous fellowship applicants and current peer research mentors who are happy to chat about their experiences working with our offices. We hope to see you then!

The URCC can help you get involved in an academic research project or creative project through opportunities such as paid research assistants, research grants and fellowships, and research for course credit. Start exploring your options now! Connect with Brandeis faculty and funding sources in the ForagerOne Brandeis research opportunities database.

The School of Arts and Sciences offers a number of ways for you to stay updated on news and events: