CMS Guide

List (News, Publications)

The List (News, Publications) content type is used to display — you guessed it — lists of content. The benefit to using the List content type versus the Editor content type is that the content is formatted with headings and horizontal rules (lines) between entries.

(See a sample list at the bottom of this page.)

  1. Find the page you want to add the List to and click Edit.
  2. In the Content editor, select List (News, Publications) from the drop-down menu.

There are four methods you can use to add a list: manual entry, RSS feedBrandeisNOW and Announcements. For all four, you can enter a Heading (optional), which creates large text right aligned at the top of the list. Suggestions: “Recent Publications”, “Latest News” or “Job Postings.” You may also add an image or video to a list.

Manual Entry

Using Manual Entry, you add each List Item separately.

Manual Entry fields for adding a list item

For each item, you have the option of adding:

  • Title (optional): Enter a title describing this list item. 
  • Link Type (optional): If you are using an Internal Link, click Choose File, Page, or Link. In the Chooser Panel, you can select a recent internal page, or browse for an internal page. If you are using an External Link, enter the URL, including the http://.
  • Date (optional): Date of event or publication.
  • Text (optional): Summary of news item, publication, etc.
  • Add Image/Video? Checkbox (optional):
      • Adding an image only: The image must be 735 x 490. If you add an image, enter alt text (required), a caption (optional) or a photo credit (optional).
      • Adding a video: To add a video to a list item, you will first need to add the video thumbnail image in the image field. This image must be 735 x 490. You will then need to enter alt text (required), a caption (optional) or a photo credit (optional). Lastly, you will need to include the video URL (include http://) and the optional video transcript.
    • Button Text  (optional): Add text if you want to add a button at the bottom of your list.
    • Link Type (optional): Select the Internal or External radio button. Use Internal for any page within your site that you have access to in the CMS. External is used for a link on any other website (including Brandeis sites you do not have access to, such as BrandeisNOW). Browse or Search for your internal page or type in your external URL (include http://). You must add Button Text for the link to show up.

    RSS Feed

    The RSS Feed option allows you to pull in a RSS feed, like a feed of recent news or recently published publications. To add a List using the RSS Feed functionality, you first need to email, and request that an RSS Block be set up on your site. Include the link to the RSS feed or blog in your email.

    RSS Feed fields for a list

    Then, you need to add the RSS Block to your page.

    1. When you are in the List content type, select the RSS Feed radio button.
    2. Max News to Display: Determines how many items are displayed. If left blank, three items will display.
    3. Feed Block: Search or navigate to the RSS block that was created.
    4. Button Text: Include a button if you want to link to another page.
    5. Link Type: Internal/External Link: If you are using an Internal Link, click Choose File, Page, or Link. In the Chooser Panel, you can select a recent internal page, or browse for an internal page. If you are using an External Link, enter the URL, including the http://. The link will only display if you include Button Text.

    Brandeis Now

    The BrandeisNOW option allows you to include recent news from BrandeisNOW on your website.

    BrandeisNOW fields for list

    • Category: Select the news category you wish to display.
    • Max News to Display: Determines how many items are displayed. If left blank, three items will display.
    • Button Text: Include a button if you want to link to another page.
    • Link Type: Internal/External Link: If you are using an Internal Link, click Choose File, Page, or Link. In the Chooser Panel, you can select a recent internal page, or browse for an internal page. If you are using an External Link, enter the URL, including the http://.


    See the Announcements List page for full instructions.

This is a Sample List

Students walk on campus with snow falling.

A description of the image, or other relevant information

Photo Credit: Dan Holmes

January 1, 2017

This is an example of what a list item looks like.
Ron Liebowitz at his inauguration
Play Video

Sample list video

July 1, 2021

This is an example of what a list item will look like. Since this is the second item in a list, a horizontal rule (line) appears between the two list items.