Blog Posts from 2020

Headshot of Dylan Alinsky

December 7, 2020

"Since starting the M.S. in project and program management, I’ve transitioned from a call center role to a leadership and training position at USAA. On a daily basis I’m better enabled to manage risk, as well as drive performance through planning, effective communication, and emotional intelligence concepts." —Dylan Alinsky, Project and Program Management '21

Headshot of Shawanda Legall

November 6, 2020

"This program has provided me with the necessary tools to improve my writing, researching, and analyzing skills as a Sr. Project Manager. Due to this program, I can now tackle extremely complex projects in a different way and it is all manageable." —Shawanda Legall, Project and Program Management '21

Headshot of William J. Hiraldo

October 16, 2020

William is from Orlando, Florida and is a candidate for a MS in Strategic Analytics. He currently works as a Workday ERP Consultant at Huron Consulting Group, and his professional goals are to “become a Chief Financial Officer for a major corporation.”

Fall foliage on the Brandeis campus.

August 6, 2020

Brandeis University has announced a comprehensive plan to safely reopen campus for the fall semester. Read about information that is of particular interest for students at Brandeis Graduate Professional Studies.

Brandeis University sign with spring flowers growing in front

May 28, 2020

The Rabb School of Continuing Studies honored 111 Graduate Professional Studies (GPS) graduates with a virtual celebration on May 26, 2020. Read about the ceremony on the GPS blog.

Hand-drawn people with colorful arrows connecting them, representing a complex community.

May 18, 2020

"Cultivate an Open Source Community" is a micro-course being offered by Brandeis University and the Open Source Initiative. Read about the course and its instructor on the GPS blog.

Person wearing a mask while typing on a laptop in the dark

May 1, 2020

How do we keep our sanity during this unprecedented global lockdown? We have compiled a list of some helpful tips to stay sane during quarantine.

Headshot of Dr. Alan Cheng

April 30, 2020

Dr. Alan Cheng, Chair of the Bioinformatics program at Brandeis GPS, reflects on the importance of bioinformatics during the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Headshot of Stuart Mitchell

April 29, 2020

"As modern technological capabilities continue to expand, my goal is to aspire towards a career in international banking, which explores how FinTech impacts emerging economies and contributes to the development of economic solutions for sustainable growth." —Stuart Mitchell, Digital Innovation for Fintech '21

Headshot of Brett Stephens

April 22, 2020

"My goal is to develop the skills necessary to help my company gain insights that will make it more profitable and give it an edge over competitors." —Brett Stephens, Strategic Analytics '20

Laptop with "e-learning" displayed on the screen.

April 21, 2020

Brandeis University and the Open Source Initiative® (OSI) announced at OSCON 2019 that they would be partnering to provide new educational offerings for the open source community. The OSI-Brandeis partnership aims to help address the growing demand for expertise within organizations seeking to authentically collaborate with, and productively manage, open source resources.

Ines Stafford with her husband and dog.

April 15, 2020

"[I wish to] someday create a foundation to assist working women who are struggling to get their education. I completed my undergrad degree as a first generation adult learner and it took me a long time to be able to do that and navigate the system/process!" —Ines Stafford, Project and Program Management '20

Headshot of Jennifer Faske

April 8, 2020

"My goal is to become a Next Generation Sequencing Analyst." —Jennifer Faske, MS in Bioinformatics 

Headshot of Li-Tao Guo

April 1, 2020

"The advent of next-generation sequencing has revolutionized our capability of understanding the molecular mechanisms of cancer development and makes personalized medicine possible. My goal is to use the "big data" producted by next generation sequencing to contribute to the ultimate curation of cancers." —Li-Tao Guo, MS in Bioinformatics

Brick wall with spray painted words: "Together We Create"

March 25, 2020

Hear what Gideon Taub, CEO of Pinkaloo Technologies, has to say about the partnership of FinTechs with financial institutions.

Esther Brandon holding a fluffy dog.

March 18, 2020

"My goal is to help undergraduate and graduate students get the most out of their Brandeis education by ethically creating, critically consuming, and synthesizing information in a variety of digital formats and tools." —Esther Brandon, MS in Project and Program Management

Headshot of Adam Burkin

March 11, 2020

"My goal is to learn and leverage strategic analytics best practices to help organizations make better sense of their data." —Adam Burkin, MS in Strategic Analytics

Word cloud with words like "Diversity," "bias," "AI," and "Data."

March 8, 2020

Deniz Johnson, a FinTech thought leader, advisor and executive in the Boston area, reflects on the causes and implications of the gender gap in Fintech and Financial Services.

Winter city landscape

March 6, 2020

If you find yourself with feelings of fatigue, lethargy, and other cases of the winter blues, here are four wellness tips to raise your spirits and combat the colder and grayer months.

Headshot of Bharath Kumaraswamy

March 4, 2020

"My goal is to continue learning and developing as an individual to benefit my employer, career, and to drive progress." —Bharath Kumaraswamy, MS in Technology Management

Dock on Ashumet Pond

February 25, 2020

Steven Dupree, Chair of Digital Marketing and Design, gives a run-down on the concepts of "push" and "pull" in digital marketing.

Crowd of cartoon people surrounding a text bubble.

February 18, 2020

Patrick Masson, general manager and board director of the Open Source Initiative, discusses the need for combining community skills with open source technologies.

Headshot of Carlos Garcia

February 12, 2020

"Analytical skills are critical, as it solves many business problems. My goal is to keep enhancing my analytical skills and become a leader in the field. Ultimately, my professional goal is to expand my business and analytical knowledge and attain a higher role." —Carlos Garcia, MS in Strategic Analytics

Headshot of Daniela Colon

February 5, 2020

"I aspire to continue learning and growing in my professional career, with the knowledge I acquire at Brandeis, to become a successful project manager in the healthcare setting." —Daniela Colon, MS in Project and Program Management

Headshot of Brian Salerno

January 24, 2020

Brian Salerno, chair of the Learning Experience Design program at Brandeis GPS, discusses how Design Thinking techniques can be utilized by LX Designers to support the learning experience design process.

Headshot of Alex Kramer

January 17, 2020

"I love to learn and hope to use this program to maintain a broad perspective of the healthcare industry as I work to build products that increase efficiency and improve patient outcomes." —Alex Kramer, MS in Health and Medical Informatics

Drawing of people working in an office. Text above says "the future of the tech industry relies heavily on people skills"

January 2, 2020

According to LinkedIn's third annual Emerging Jobs Report, “the future of the tech industry relies heavily on people skills” that are necessary to complement and grow new technologies.