International Search
Working, interning or volunteering in another country can be an excellent way to gain experience in a field, enhance language and other global skills, and experience life in another culture. It’s important to review your own goals for going abroad, and then research the current social, political, marketplace and economic trends that may affect your plans.
When it comes to searching for international opportunities, many of the steps mirror a domestic search, but there are some additional considerations, nuances to the application process and special search strategies.
Key Considerations
Time and Timing
Create a realistic plan for how much time you can spend abroad and still meet your most important goals. Can you fulfill any personal obligations you might have? Is that sufficient time for a company or organization to invest in bringing you on as an employee, intern or volunteer? Is the timing of your stay convenient for your host organization or will it be necessary to make some accommodations?
Visas and Legal Matters
Research country-specific requirements to work legally and enter with the correct documentation. Are you eligible to work or volunteer legally in your potential host country? What are the regulations about working there (paid or unpaid, any amount, however small)? What are the procedures and time frames to gain proper authorization? Internships can be subject to specific visa requirements and it is critical to explore them at the start of your planning. International students at Brandeis who want to work in the United States should seek expert advice at the ISSO.
Health and Safety
Check on any specific health and safety issues in your country of interest as you are conducting your research. View resources.
Financial Matters
Be sure to have a good idea of the total costs you will incur (including international and in-country transportation, living expenses, incidentals, insurance, additional travel or sightseeing, passport, inoculations, specialized equipment, etc.) before making any commitments. Are there scholarships and grants to help you fund your work?
If an organization cannot provide a salary, inquire if they might consider assisting you with housing costs, commuting costs or meals, for example, during your stay. Volunteer opportunities and most internships are unsalaried and you cannot rely on getting a paid part-time job to cover your expenses while you intern or volunteer, since paid work also has a specific set of visa requirements. If you use a program to arrange your internship or volunteer experience, the program may charge a fee; is financial aid available from the provider? View resources.
Host Organizations
Research the reputation, history and costs of any potential host organizations and understand the exact terms of your responsibilities. Contact past students who have been affiliated with the host organizations to learn more.
Application Process
Resumes, CVs and cover letters vary in format and requirements by country. Research the format for your country of interest. GoinGlobal offers specialized information on jobs and internships in 34 countries across fields, industries and organizations, including resume, CV and cover letter samples.
Full-Time Work Considerations
Your Field Abroad
What is currently happening in your field in your host country? How do people usually get work in your field in your host country (apprenticeship, personal referral, past experience in the company's "home office," newspapers, etc.)? Does your host country allow foreigners to work in your field and if so, are there restrictions around what you can do on the job?
National Employment Landscape
What is unemployment like in the country? Is it easier to find work in your field of interest in some cities or regions than others? How much money do people in your field make in other countries and does the amount allow you to meet your financial needs and professional and personal goals? Are there other things happening in the country that would affect your job search?
What skills are you marketing to potential employers? Are they a good match with your field and the employer's needs?
Multinational Companies
Many multinational companies reserve overseas work for employees who have completed training or a certain number of years at the firm. Will your target company allow you to start overseas or will you begin in the "home" office and build toward overseas assignments?
Volunteer Considerations
Abundance of Choices
Volunteering can be more flexible than full-time work or interning. Countless organizations in the public and private sectors consider requests for volunteering. The key to a great experience is to research organizations where there is a good fit between their work and your goals. Developing a clear set of goals for what you would like to learn from your volunteer experience will be the foundation for choosing one organization from among many possibilities.
You may have to take on more responsibility for shaping your experience as a volunteer. For example, your organization may not have a formal program or you may be working in a number of locations under several supervisors. Prepare for independence by connecting with Hiatt counselors, faculty and fellow students who can share ideas and advice about how to develop learning goals for your time away and pursue them successfully.
No Formal Oversight of Organizations
There is no body or institution that systematically rates, evaluates or manages volunteer organizations or opportunities. However, there are ways to gather specific information: research the company or organization online or through your network and Brandeis experts. Ask organization representatives direct questions about issues that may be important to you, such as housing, health, safety and emergency procedures, volunteer duties, supervision, finances and transportation, and request the names of past volunteers you can contact to find out about their experiences.
Strategies + Resources
There are a few different types of full-time job opportunities to consider:
- Locally owned organizations or businesses
- The overseas branch of a multinational company (i.e., the office of an American firm or firm from your home country operating in another country)
- Organizations that routinely hire people from other countries, such as research labs, hotels and international NGOs
- Companies to which you have been referred through contacts and/or networking
International internships and volunteer experiences are defined and named in different ways in different countries, but typically they are either advertised positions, self-initiated opportunities by proactive outreach to an organization working in your area of interest or a component of a formal study abroad program.
Search Strategies
As with domestic job, internship or volunteer searches, some opportunities are advertised and others are communicated "person-to-person." Breaking into the job, internship or volunteer market in a new country requires strategic thinking and action. Consider these strategies:
- Take advantage of your own network of friends, family, teachers, co-workers, Brandeis alumni and former or current work supervisors to help you locate and negotiate internships and volunteer opportunities abroad. Get in touch, share your goals and ideas and seek out advice and referrals. Learn more about networking.
- Join professional associations in your field and check out their websites. These networks are a great source of information, contacts and jobs
- Locate an organization that is doing the kind of work you would like to explore, share your goals and negotiate a position.
- Visit specialized websites that broadcast job, internship and volunteer opportunities in worldwide and country-specific formats. Because internships are defined in different ways worldwide, there's no one source for finding internships abroad. It is best to check broader international listings that include work, internships and volunteer options to find opportunities, no matter what they are called, that meet your goals.
Brandeis Internship Programs
Investigate funded internship programs, such as Hiatt’s World of Work (WOW) Program, the Ethics Center Student Fellowship, Davis Projects for Peace, Eli J. Segal Citizen Leadership Program and the Louis D. Brandeis Social Justice Internship Awards.
International Resources
Learn how to navigate the international job market with resources for jobs and internships, as well as volunteer opportunities.
Brandeis International Centers and Experts
Consult the many regional and international centers and experts at Brandeis to learn about opportunities, receive advice about the country you would like to visit and get connected with others who have interned in the past. Start at the Global Brandeis Portal.
International Resources
Learn how to navigate the international job market with resources for jobs and internships as well as volunteer opportunities. As you establish a strategy, consider researching organizations that typically hire international students, develop a thorough understanding of visas and work authorization, and formulate a plan with the help of the Hiatt Career Center and International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO).
Country Resources + Visas
- U.S. State Department Travel page — Information about travel documents, resources and emergency information
- U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide — Websites of U.S. embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions
- Foreign embassies and consulates in the U.S. — Contact information for 984 foreign embassies and consulates in the United States<
- BUNAC — Work visa programs in Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand
- Work and Travel Ireland — Work visa program in Ireland
Health + Safety
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — Information about health, safety and security threats
- World Health Organization — Directs and coordinates international health within the United Nations system
- U.S. State Department International Travel — Prepare for a trip abroad and U.S. passport information
- U.S. State Department travel resource page — Learn about your destination and travel warnings and alerts
General Preparation Resources
- AIESEC — Global internship and volunteer opportunities
- Brandeis Office of Study Abroad — Information about living and studying abroad away from the Brandeis University campus
- Going Global — Country-specific career and employment information
- Transitions Abroad and Transitions Abroad Magazine — Work and travel resources, programs and tips
Money + Cost of Living
- Going Global — Information about an individual country or city (search for cost of living)
- Currency Converter — Convert currency from any country
- Salary Converter — Global salary and cost of living information
Select Industry Resources
- Federation of International Trade Associations — Resources and information for global business
- Microfinance Gateway — Microfinance and microcredit organizations
- Global Museum — Search and apply for jobs in museums around the world
- International Council of Museums (ICOM) — Organization representing museums and museum professionals
- Idealist — Nonprofit jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities
- Interaction — Largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) who focus on disaster relief and sustainable development programs (see Member Directory)
- Relief Web — Humanitarian information source on global crises and disasters
- World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO) — International organization uniting NGOs worldwide in the cause of advancing peace and global well-being (see Worldwide Member Directory)
- Center for Economic and Policy Research — Professional research and public education on the most important economic and social issues
- Major think tanks and research centers around the world — Index report by University of Pennsylvania
- World Teach — Volunteer teaching opportunities in Africa, Asia, Pacific Region, South America
- Dave’s ESL Café — Resources for ESL and EFL teachers and students
Science and Technology
- Earthwatch Institute — Educational research and programs within the international environment
- IAESTE — Worldwide training opportunities in technical fields and media studies
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) — Careers and programs in advancing science
Law, Government, Diplomacy
- European Union Traineeships — Paid traineeship of five months with the European Commission (consult rules section to determine your eligibility)
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
United Nations
- United Nations Careers — Job opportunities with the United Nations
- United Nations Directory of System Organizations — List of federal agencies
- United Nations Internship Programme — Internship opportunities at major locations in the United Nations
- United Nations High Commission on Refugees Entry-level Humanitarian Professional Programme:— Two-year cohort programme in the humanitarian sector
- United Nations Staff Categories and Qualifications — Information about what staff level and category is appropriate for your UN career search
- United Nations Young Professionals Programme — Recruitment initiative for talented, highly qualified professionals to start a career as international civil servants with the United Nations Secretariat
United States
- USAJobs — U.S. government jobs listings (U.S. citizens)
- U.S. Department of State Foreign Service and Pathways Programs (U.S. citizens) — Worldwide career opportunities connecting you to the global community
- United States Institute of Peace — Nonpartisan institute to promote national security and global stability by reducing violent conflicts abroad
Service and Justice
- Amnesty International, Amnesty International USA — Global movement volunteer and membership opportunities
- The Carter Center — Internships, graduate assistantships, volunteer and job opportunities in peace and health programs
- Clinton Global Initiative — Volunteer opportunities in economic development, global health, climate change and more
- Devex — Job listings in development-related fields
- Global Health Corps — Fellowships with high-impact health organizations in yearlong paid positions
- Habitat for Humanity International — Volunteer and long-term service opportunities
- Human Rights Watch — Internship, volunteer, entry-level opportunities across the globe
- International Partnerships for Service Learning and Leadership — Programs in Africa, Europe, Latin America, SE Asia
- International Volunteer Programs Association — Accredited volunteer programs abroad
- Oxfam — Community, on-campus and event volunteer openings
- Peace Corps — Grassroots-level volunteer opportunities
- Right to Play — Careers working with children building life skills through play
- Seeds of Peace — Worldwide careers and internships for social, economic and political change
- Serious Fun Children's Network — Camps worldwide for children with serious illnesses, founded by the late actor Paul Newman
- Volunteers for Peace — Short-term volunteer experiences on community projects
Multiple Areas
- Cultural Vistas (DS, International) — Internships and fellowships for global understanding
- Council on International Educational Exchange — Work opportunities abroad
- — Listings for work, internships and volunteerism
Select Regional Resources
- African Development Bank — Spurs sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries (RMCs), thus contributing to poverty reduction
- Operation Crossroads Africa — Cross-cultural exchange program
Latin America
- Amigos de las Americas — Projects in community health and development
- VEGlobal — Placements in schools, children's homes, community centers in Chile
- American-Scandinavian Foundation — Fellowships, grants, internships and training programs
- DAAD — Internships in Germany
French-American Chamber of Commerce — Internship and visa assistance
- French Embassy Cultural Services — Teaching assistant program in French schools
- Institut Pasteur — Scientific research to help prevent and treat disease (see education and international sections)
- British Council — Opportunities for UK students, recent graduates and young professionals to study, work, volunteer
- North American Language and Culture Assistants Program — Public schools teaching opportunities in Spain
- JET Program — Japanese public school teaching opportunities
- Princeton in Asia — 130 full-year fellowships in Asia

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