Current Projects and Collaborators
The program in Peacebuilding and the Arts works to strengthen the practice and nexus of the arts and conflict transformation by generating and disseminating knowledge, and facilitating networks of effective action. We lead courses, weekend intensives and institutes, produce resources, and maintain a resource library. We have hosted several significant initiatives.

Acting Together Project
In regions scarred by inequity and violence, theatre artists and leaders of rituals are contributing to more just and less violent communities. The Acting Together project features the work of 25 theatre artists, cultural workers and peacebuilding scholar/practitioners who are supporting communities to resist abuses of power, address injustice, mourn losses, build relationships and imagine a new future. The project included anthologies and a documentary.

Jane Wilburn Sapp
Jane Wilburn Sapp is a powerful and highly regarded performer, songwriter, recording artist and educator who engages with disenfranchised urban and rural communities in the United States and around the world.

IMPACT: Imagining Together
One current major initiative is IMPACT: Imagining Together, which is designing a university-based infrastructure for the field, a platform for arts, culture, and conflict transformation, supported in large part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.