Department of Sociology


Sarah Mayorga
Sarah Mayorga
Department Chair
Professor of Sociology
Heller-Brown 246
Office Hours: Spring 2025: Tuesday 1:00PM - 3:00 PM in Heller-Brown 246

Expertise: Sociology of race and racism, urban sociology, Latinx sociology, whiteness studies, qualitative methods

Gowri Vijayakumar
Gowri Vijayakumar
Associate Professor of Sociology
781-736-2633 Heller-Brown 245

Expertise: Gender, sexuality, transnational social movements, development, labor and labor movements, feminist theory, HIV/AIDS, ethnographic and interview methods, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Office hours: Spring 2025: On Sabbatical
Siri Suh
Siri Suh
Associate Professor of Sociology
781-736-2635 Heller-Brown 244

Expertise: Sociology of health and illness, sociology of reproduction, critical studies of global health, science and technology studies (STS), research methods, sub-Saharan Africa

  • Office Hours: Spring 2025-On Sabbatical 
Rachel McKane
Rachel McKane
Jack Meyerhoff Chair in American Environmental Studies and Assistant Professor of Sociology
781-736-2642 Heller-Brown 247

Expertise: Environmental justice, environmental sociology, spatial inequality, political economy of cities, built environment, mutual aid, quantitative methods

Laura J. Miller
Laura J. Miller
Professor of Sociology
781-736-2643 Heller-Brown 243
Office Hours: On Sabbatical Fall '24-Spring '25

Expertise: Sociology of culture, mass media, consumption and marketing, urban and suburban studies, food studies

Michael Nooy-Strand
Michael Nooy-Strand
Director of Graduate Studies
Assistant Professor of Sociology
781-736-2138 Heller-Brown 248

Expertise: Social theory, philosophy of social science, culture, morality, knowledge, historical methods, economic sociology

  • Office hours: Fall 2024: Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm, in 107 Pearlman.
Chandler Rosenberger
Chandler Rosenberger
Undergraduate Advising Head / Study Abroad Liaison
Associate Professor of International and Global Studies and Sociology
781-736-2683 Mandel Center for Humanities 107

Expertise: Nationalism, ethnicity, sociology of culture, sociology of religion, political dissent, terrorism, modern European politics

  • Office hours: Fall 2024: Thursdays 9:30-11:30am, in 107 Mandel
Sara Shostak
Sara Shostak
Professor of Sociology
781-736-2213 Heller-Brown 269
Office Hours: Spring 2025: By appointment only. Please email to schedule. Offices hours held in ASAC 303

ExpertiseSociology of health and illness, science and technology studies, environmental health and justice, food studies, qualitative research methods

  • To schedule office hours, please click this link or email Professor Shostak

Derron Wallace
Derron Wallace
Associate Professor of Sociology and Education
Jacob S. Potofsky Chair in Sociology
781-736-2088 ASA Complex 214

Expertise: Sociology of education, sociology of race and ethnicity, cultural sociology, comparative and international education, urban education policy, children, youth and families, social inequality, critical theories of race, British cultural studies 

  • On research leave during 2024-2025 academic year.

Affiliated Faculty

Wendy Cadge
Wendy Cadge
Professor of Sociology

Expertise: Sociology of religion, culture, health and medicine, immigration, gender, sexuality, organizations, research methods

Kristen Lucken
Kristen Lucken
Lecturer in International & Global Studies and Religious Studies
781-736-2743 Golding Judaica Center, 18

Expertise: Immigration, religious and ethnic identity, nationalism, sociology of religion

Thomas Shapiro
Thomas Shapiro
The Heller School
Pokross Professor of Law and Social Policy

Expertise: Stratification, race, political sociology


Karen V. Hansen
Karen V. Hansen
Victor and Gwendolyn Beinfield Professor of Sociology
Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
781-736-2651 Pearlman Hall 209

Expertise: Gender, feminist theory, sociology of families, historical sociology, networks and communities

  • On sabbatical for 2023-2024 academic year
Gila Hayim
Professor Emerita of Sociology

Expertise: Classical and critical social theory, contemporary social theory, law and society, existential sociology

Shulamit Reinharz
Shulamit Reinharz
Jacob S. Potofsky Professor of Sociology, Emerita

Expertise: Qualitative research methods, feminist research, Jewish women's studies, social psychology, group dynamics

George W. Ross
George W. Ross
Professor Emeritus of Labor and Social Thought

Expertise: European integration, European politics and social policy, comparative industrial relations, and sociology of advanced capitalist societies

Carmen Sirianni
Carmen Sirianni
Emeritus Professor of Labor and Social Thought, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Public Policy

Expertise: Political sociology, community and civic democracy, organizations, public policy for democracy, work

Janet Zollinger Giele
Janet Zollinger Giele
Professor Emerita of Sociology

Expertise: Women's changing roles, sociology of the life course, social movements

In Memoriam

Peter Conrad
Peter Conrad
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
In Memoriam

The Sociology Department mourns Professor Peter Conrad's passing on March 3rd, 2024 .

A full tribute to Peter is available online. 

Expertise: Medical sociology, deviance, qualitative research methods

Gordon Fellman
Gordon Fellman
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
In Memoriam

The Sociology Department mourns Professor Gordon Fellman's passing on October 24, 2022 .

Tribute to Gordon Fellman

Expertise: Peace, conflict, and coexistence studies; empowerment, social class, Marx and Freud, psychoanalytic sociology, masculinities, Israeli-Palestinian confrontation