Academic Policies
Open Enrollment
Admission to Brandeis Summer School rests on the assumption that each student knows best what they want and can do. Enrollment is open to a wide cross-section of qualified persons, including students currently enrolled in colleges and universities as well as individuals not currently engaged in any formal educational program, but who hold a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Academic Status Withdrawal
A student whose academic standing is changed, based on spring term courses, or who does not successfully complete a Session 1 prerequisite for a Session 2 course, is considered academically ineligible. Anyone who becomes academically ineligible will be administratively withdrawn and will receive a full adjustment of tuition and fees.
Grades, Incompletes and Credit/No Credit classes
After classes end, students can view their final course grades in Workday — the Brandeis Student records system. Student guides to using Workday, including a guide to viewing your grades can be found here.
Hard copies of grade reports are no longer mailed to students. While some grading activity may take place in Moodle, your official final course grade will be online in Workday.
For Undergraduates
The following grades will be used with plus or minus, where appropriate:
- A: High distinction
- B: Distinction
- C: Satisfactory
- D: Passing but unsatisfactory
- E: Failure
For Graduates
The established grades are A, B, C, D and E. Grades of A, B, or Credit indicate that the course was passed with distinction. Only courses passed with distinction may be counted toward a high degree. Nothing below a B- is accepted for graduate credit.
With the consent of the director of the Summer School, a student may receive an authorized incomplete. A student receiving a grade of Incomplete will be granted a specific extension of time, in no case later than Sept. 10, 2025. Instructors are required to submit letter grades to replace Incompletes no later than Sept. 17, 2025 to avoid conversion to a failing grade of E by the Committee on Academic Standing.
Credit/No Credit Grading
Certain courses do not utilize letter grades. For pedagogical reasons, the grades assigned in these courses are either Credit ("CR") or No Credit ("NC"), accompanied by written evaluations that are not included in the student’s transcript. These grades are the equivalent of "pass" and "fail" for purposes of computing grade point averages.
A student may take an unlimited number of semester courses graded CR/NC. However, a course utilizing this grading pattern may not be undertaken in a semester in which the student has fewer than two courses (eight credits) enrolled on a regular letter-graded basis. A course with Credit ("CR") or No Credit ("NC") will carry a specific notation within its course description.
Course Levels and Transferring Courses
Course Levels
Courses listed with numbers below 100 are primarily for undergraduate credit. These courses may be counted by a Brandeis degree candidate toward the bachelor's degree but not toward a graduate degree. Graduate students may elect to take these courses but only with the realization that no graduate credit is involved.
Courses listed with numbers 100 or above might carry both graduate and undergraduate credit. Graduate credit may be available to eligible students in specific courses numbered over 100. Each 100+ course description will designate whether it can be taken for graduate-level credit. Only instructors who have gone through the approval process, including identification of additional readings and assignments which candidates must satisfactorily complete to qualify for graduate-level credit, are permitted to offer graduate credit for their courses.
Brandeis graduate students must obtain advance approval in writing from the graduate program head in their department to receive credit toward the graduate degree for appropriately approved summer graduate-level courses and will be expected to pay all tuition and fees applicable during Summer School. All other graduate students should check with their home institutions in advance should they wish to receive graduate-level credit for courses designated as bearing graduate credit in the Brandeis Summer School. Graduate students enrolled in such a course are required to complete all additional graduate assignments.
Enrollment Status
The Brandeis University Summer School presents courses for college credit. Auditing is not available for summer classes.
Transferring Course Credit
If you would like a transcript sent to a college or university, please visit the Brandeis Registrar's Office Transcript page. You will need to provide the information on where you would like your transcript sent. Please do not request a transcript until your final course grade appears in Workday — otherwise a blank transcript might be sent.
Those who attended Brandeis prior to 1987 or do not have access to Workday can request an official paper transcript by completing the transcript request form (PDF). Such transcript requests are processed within two business days of receipt of the completed form.Please note that former students who have forgotten their username or password can recover their username and reset their password at or by calling the Technology Services Help Desk >at 781-736-HELP (ext. 6-4357 on campus).
Denial of Readmission
Just as Brandeis degree candidates must be in good academic and financial standing, Brandeis University holds visiting students to the same standards of scholarship and responsibility. Returning visiting summer students who have failed a course in previous summers at Brandeis may be denied readmission.
Visiting students who have balances outstanding are ineligible for readmission until their account is brought up to date and new charges are addressed promptly.
Visiting students who have received sanctions via the Student Rights and Community Standards process may be denied readmission.
Visiting students may appeal readmission denial by asking for a review by the Vice President for the Rabb School of Continuing Studies.