School of Arts and Sciences

Oral Communication: Instruction and Skill-Building

The following oral communication video series were made with the support of two Provost’s Teaching Innovation Grants.

Oral Communication Instructional Video Mini-Module (five videos)

female instructor against black background with video title atop page reading "speech process and structure"

Speech Process and Structure (15:37)

female instructor against black background with video title atop page reading "speaking and nervousness: how do we cope?"

Speaking and Nervousness (25:53)

female instructor against black background with partial title of video atop page reading "transitions, conclusions"

Hooks, Transitions and Conclusions (16:34)

female instructor against black background with video title atop screen reading "nonverbal communication and visual aids in speeches"

Nonverbal Communication and Visual Aids (17:07)

female instructor against black background with video title atop screen reading "paralanguage and everything else"

Paralanguage and Everything Else (17:40)

Adding the Video Series to Latte

Faculty can assign any number of the videos (or all of them) to students for viewing as flipped instruction in oral communication outside of class time.

To add the videos to Latte, follow these steps:

  1. In the chart below, click the URL of the video you wish to post. After the page loads, copy the URL in the browser address bar.
  2. Navigate to your course Latte page, turn editing on and select "+Add an Activity or Resource."
  3. Select the URL option from the bottom of the list. Name the video (i.e., "Hooks, Transitions and Conclusions") and paste the URL you had previously copied in Step 1 into the "external URL" field.
  4. In the description field, add any instructions or assignment directions. Example: "Watch this oral communications video before our class session on Tuesday and be prepared to peer edit your presentation outline based on the instruction. Please feel free to follow along with the video transcript." After you have entered the instructions, copy and paste the corresponding transcript URL from the chart below and link it to the word "transcript." Check the box to display the description on the course page.
  5. Add any other settings you would like, and select "Save and return to course."
  6. The assignment should appear on your course page. Please double-check the links to ensure they are working properly.

Links for Videos

Speech Process and Structure

Speaking and Nervousness

Hooks, Transitions and Conclusions

Nonverbal Communication and Video Aids

Paralanguage and Everything Else

Faculty FAQ Series in Oral Communication (four videos)

This series shares various ideas about using the instructional video series; oral communication assessment and feedback; using video assignments for oral communication; and reflections in oral communication skill-building. This casual conversational series — intended for faculty only — models an example for faculty in making their own videos using just Zoom and a laptop.

using the instructional oral communication videos

Using Instructional Videos (4:45)

oral communication assessment and feedback

Assessment and Feedback (9:49)

video assignments for oral communication

Using Video Assignments (5:26)

reflections in oral communication skill-building

Reflections in Oral Communication Skill-Building (6:05)